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Sweet corn: like or dislike?


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Here in New England, we wait and wait and wait for corn season, which, like tomato season, really doesn't begin until late July. We consume endless quantities of corn on the cob, checking each week at the farm stand for our favorite butter-and-sugar and Silver Queen, and by Labor Day weekend, our short season comes to a screeching halt. Thank goodness for good quality frozen sweet corn, on which we rely for the rest of the year. (I'm partial to Cascadian Farms frozen organic corn, which I can buy in my local supermarkets.) Sweet corn has a high sugar content, making it a special treat on our table, but I can't imagine summer without it. Is corn on (or off) the cob one of your summer pleasures?

Sweet corn: like or dislike?

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LOVE! my gang prefers it off the cob tho....less flossing that way HAHA! by summer's end, i usually have a nice stash of corn in the deep freeze, for when we fling a craving for fresh corn in the dead of winter

Although high in carbs we love fresh corn, actually grow our own in the summer and freeze it. We like Peaches n' Cream bicolor. Corn didn't do as will this year due to all the rain we've had, but I still put up about 6qts in the freezer. :)

Sweet corn is one of the best parts of summertime! I get amazing sweet corn from a local farmastand and we enjoy it at least twice a week! Sweet corn and fresh peaches make summer special.

Love sweet corn, on or off the cob. Grilled is best - sweet kernels with a smoky, charred flavor. So good.

I love corn on the cob (much more than off the cob) but for about 10 years now I've been eating it sparingly because of the high sugar content. But I still have it occasionally for a summer treat and enjoy it every time I do!

LOVE IT--our local farmer just brought in his first picking---white corn, it was wonderful--cook for 4' in boiling salt water, butter & salt--off the cob
highlight of summer---along with blueberries & raspberries---

Just the best!!

Love fresh local sweet corn on the cob. I have it as many times as I can manage during our so short summer season.

We got our first real just picked corn at the farm stand today. It's a landmark every summer - like ice cream, when the season is here, it's a necessity, but we keep these pleasures on a short leash.

LOVE sweet corn!!!! Lucky I live Hawaii!!! Hawaii has a 365-day produce growing cycle meaning Hawaii gets 4-plantings of sweet corn a year. We eat farm fresh sweet corn on the cob all year long. Hawaii also is the largest seed corn producer in the United States of America.

I love it. But I am puzzled by how many people do not appear to understand that the sweet starts turning to starch as soon as it is picked & is accelerated by taking the husk off.

I know this is a really old post... But I really dislike sweetcorn! I grow the old, heirloom varieties and like to eat them fresh. I really dislike the modern trend for breeding super sweet vegetables - I want food for my dinner, not sweets!

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