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Our favorite pantries: another peek into Pantry #81

A pantry with a great built-in spice rack!

When Barbara from California shared this photo of her built-in spice rack in Pantry #81, readers of The Perfect Pantry collectively sighed. This was indeed a perfect pantry! We all wanted one. 

Please visit the original post to learn more about Barbara's spice rack.

Then, come back and let us know if you love Pantry #81 as much as I do.

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I absolutely love that idea for storing spices. At my current house I still haven't quite settled on a great system for keeping the spices organized like I had at my old house. I have three big drawers full of spices, but the bottles get moved around and when I need something I have to look forever to find it. I am still trying to think of a way to divide the drawer so I can keep them in straight lines and alphabetical! But this storage in the way is something I'd love if I was building a house from the start!

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