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Our favorite pantries: another peek into Pantry #74

Pantry #74.

In my next life, I will marry a carpenter. Look at the wonderful shelving in Lili's Minnesota Pantry #74! I have shelf envy.

Visit the original post to see more photos of these storage ideas, as well as more cubby holes, and more slots, and more drawers.

Then, come back and let us know: do you love Pantry #74 as much as I do?


Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


Yes, this is a beautiful pantry! I love how you can see easily what's available.

Lydia, these pantries must look different to you in your downsized life - luxurious!

OMG -- Yes, I love it! I had to pay a carpenter for a smaller pantry redo, and didn't get this level of customization. Mine doesn't have a window, either. Pantry envy.

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