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Cheese tortellini and kale soup

When winter catches up with you, make a pot of this quick and easy cheese tortellini and kale soup. [ThePerfectPantry.com]

Born of a post-holiday cold combined with a desperate craving for anything I could make that didn't require a trip to the market, this cheese tortellini and kale soup sprang to life in minutes, cured the sniffles, and used ingredients I always have in the pantry and refrigerator. And I pulled it together while in my pajamas, with a box of tissues under my arm.

For kale, you can substitute spinach or chard. For homemade post-Thanksgiving turkey broth, you can swap storebought low-sodium chicken broth, or a rich vegetable stock. Instead of cheese tortellini, try broken pieces of lasagna noodles or dried ravioli. The soup will accommodate your changes, and whatever the result, it will banish your winter cold.

Quick and easy cheese tortellini and kale soup. It will cure whatever ails you! [ThePerfectPantry.com]

Cheese tortellini and kale soup

From the pantry, you'll need: chicken broth (or turkey stock), fresh black pepper, kosher salt, Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese.

Serves 4; can be multiplied.


12 oz fresh cheese tortellini (I like spinach tortellini; you can use your favorite)
6 cups homemade chicken or turkey broth, or low-sodium store-bought (or you can use vegetable broth)
4 cups baby kale
Fresh black pepper
Kosher salt, if needed
1/2 cup shredded Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese


Cook the tortellini in water according to package directions. Drain, and set aside.

Heat the chicken or turkey broth over low heat (or in the microwave).

Working quickly, portion the broth into 4 individual bowls. Divide the tortellini among the bowls. Divide the kale, and gently stir into each bowl (the heat of the broth will wilt the greens).

Season with black pepper and with salt, if needed (this will depend entirely on your broth).

Top with parmesan cheese, and serve hot.

[Printer-friendly recipe.]

More simple broth-based soups:
Tomato, zucchini, white bean and basil soup, from The Perfect Pantry
Mexican tortilla and lime soup, from The Perfect Pantry
Turkey escarole soup, from The Perfect Pantry
Vegetarian pho (Vietnamese noodle soup), from The Kitchn
Chicken and tomatillo soup, from Kalyn's Kitchen

Quick and easy cheese tortellini and kale soup will cure any winter cold or flu! [ThePerfectPantry.com]

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I was wondering if you could use something else in the place of the kale (like cabbage)? Could you give me some other vegetable ideas to use in the soup? I am very interested in trying this soup. I could let you know how it turns out.

We are vegetarian and love kale in our soup. The tortellini and cheese would be amazing with kale. I'm going to try this for sure.

Thank You!

Michelle, you can substitute another dark leafy green, like spinach or chard, in the spirit of the kale and with the same vitamins and antioxidants. You could also try broccoli raab. Cabbage will give you a different flavor, but of course you can use it. You'd need to blanch it before adding to the soup.

Pamela, I hope you like it!

It sound easy and good. I never have tortellini, but I do have other pastas that would work!

Kalyn, almost any pasta would work, including gluten-free and low-carb pastas. Just don't forget the cheese on top!

I can almost smell this soup and am sure it would make me feel better if I were sick. :)

Janice, inhaling the vapors of the soup really does help you feel better!

i love this soup.....sometimes i use kale, sometimes i use a mix of frozen collards and mustard greens, which alters the taste a bit, but kale seems to be the favorite among the tribe here....for times when we're not under the weather and i want a filling tortellini soup, i add chicken, carrots and celery...i keep several packages of dried tortellini or mini ravioli (which is cheaper) on hand for such times; while they may not be as good as fresh, it's nice to have at least a pkg or 2 on hand for such times when the "green meanies" hit.....glad your good-looking soup put everyone in your tribe on the mend

Three Feathers, I usually have some dried cheese-filled ravioli in the pantry, too, and it's fine to use in this soup. Just pre-cook according to the package directions. I know some people say it's the broth that has curative powers, but I think it's the cheese, and dark leafy greens, that do it!

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