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Rice vinegar: like or dislike?

Rice vinegar

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Mild and smooth, and drinkable (though you probably wouldn't want to drink it), rice vinegar always has a place in my pantry. In the way that condiments can be so confusing, it's sometimes called rice wine vinegar. And it's different from seasoned rice vinegar, which contains sugar. Real rice vinegar, or rice wine vinegar, is distilled, fermented white rice, and nothing more. In cooking, I love to use it to "loosen" mayonnaise in my cole slaw, or brighten a beef stew with a splash of vinegar at the end. It's lighter than a balsamic, more like cider vinegar, and perfect in salad dressing. And of course, it's a staple in Asian cooking. Have you tried rice vinegar? Do you keep it in your pantry?

Rice vinegar: like or dislike?

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like; in fact, i use it many times in place of balsamic which, to my pack, can be a bit strong and the rice vinegar is milder for their taste (and mine) ;0)

I love rice vinegar, which I especially like for simple cucumber salads in the summer and as an ingredient in stir-fry sauces. This is a must-have in my kitchen!

Like it for Asian flavoring. Nice idea for cucumber salads!

Introduced to rice vinegar by my wife and completely sold on it. Excellent in salads! Love it.

Neutral! The pantry has several, from the ultra generic to the Asian market 'genuine brewed' variety; also organic brown rice vinegar, from California rice. Anyway, the typical varieties are very mild and neutral; made with brown rice, more on the cider vinegar flavor. As I like to honor the source, I use it when a recipe calls for it. Perfect for the quick pickles, such as cucumber salads or the vegetables used in Vietnamese bahn mi.

I love all kinds of vinegar, including rice. I also use it in stir fries and quick pickles. Btw, julienned quick-pickled cucumbers really perk up leftover Chinese.

love it! sparkles up everything!

Love it.

Love it. I have both traditional and seasoned rice vinegar in my pantry and use it as indicated
in various recipes. In fact, tonight I am making pork fried rice that calls for traditional rice vinegar as part of the seasoning.

Love love love rice vinegar.

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