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Black bean, vegetable and cashew salad with sesame-ginger dressing {vegan, gluten-free}

Black bean, vegetable and cashew salad with an Asian twist! Great for potluck, and #glutenfree.

Nine times out of ten, when you have black beans in a dish, you find the seasonings of the warm Southwest and Central America: cumin, cilantro, chile peppers, chili powder. It makes sense, of course, because black beans come from that part of the world. This black bean, vegetable and cashew salad takes a different route, one that travels right through my Asian pantry, and the result will surprise and delight you. I use my pressure cooker to make large batches of black beans, and refrigerate or freeze them for quick and easy salads, soups and stews. Canned black beans make a fine substitute. For crunch, cucumbers, bell peppers, or almost any other vegetable will do (carrots? radishes?). Whip up a sesame-inspired dressing from ingredients you probably always have on hand. I use tamari or gluten-free soy sauce to keep the dish gluten-free; substitute any reduced-sodium soy or light soy sauce (dark soy contains molasses, so if you use it, eliminate the sugar in the recipe). As with most bean salads, this one benefits from a bit of a rest before serving, to allow the beans to absorb some of the dressing. You can make the salad a few hours ahead; add the cashews right before you serve, and they'll stay nice and crunchy. Great for potlucks or picnics.

Black beans, vegetables and cashews with a sesame-ginger dressing. Great for potluck, and #glutenfree!

Black bean, vegetable and cashew salad with sesame-ginger dressing

From the pantry, you'll need: sesame seeds, tamari or gluten-free soy sauce, sesame oil, rice vinegar, garlic, fresh ginger root, light brown sugar, canned (or cooked) black beans, cashews.

Serves 4; can be multiplied.


For the dressing:
1 Tbsp sesame seeds
2 Tbsp tamari or gluten-free soy sauce
1 Tbsp sesame oil
1-1/2 tsp rice vinegar
1 small clove garlic, minced
1 Tbsp grated fresh ginger root
1/2 tsp light brown sugar

For the salad:
1-1/2 cups cooked black beans (I use a pressure cooker; you can substitute canned, drained beans)
1-1/2 cups diced cucumber
1-1/2 cups diced bell pepper (any color or a mix)
1/2 cup roasted, unsalted cashews


In a small, nonstick frying pan, toast the sesame seeds over moderate heat, shaking the pan for 2 minutes until the seeds are lightly toasted. Remove from heat and set aside.

In a small bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients for the dressing. Add the sesame seeds, and stir to combine.

In a larger mixing bowl, add all of the ingredients for the salad, and pour over as much of the dressing as you like (you might have extra dressing). Combine gently, so you don't break the beans. Refrigerate for an hour, or up to a few hours.

Serve chilled. This is best on the day you make it, but can hold in the refrigerator overnight.

[Printer-friendly recipe.]

More black bean salads:
Black bean, quinoa and red pepper salad with honey lime vinaigrette, from The Perfect Pantry
Shrimp and black bean salad with chipotle lime dressing, from The Perfect Pantry
Corn and black bean salad with sweet lime dressing, from The Perfect Pantry
Chilled black bean, feta and cucumber salad, from The Kitchn
Black bean salad with jicama, tomatoes, cilantro and lime, from Kalyn's Kitchen
Kale and quinoa salad with black beans, from FatFree Vegan Kitchen

Need some new ideas to turn your same-old salad into exciting salad? Download Dress Up Your Salad, my e-book packed with easy mix-and-match recipes, full-color photos and a few fun videos. Fantastic salad recipes can be just one click away, on any computer, tablet or smart phone, with the FREE Kindle Reading app. Click here to learn more.

Black beans, vegetables and cashews in a sesame-ginger dressing: a vegan delight from The Perfect Pantry!

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


can you share your recipe for the black beans cooked in a pressure cooker. I have tried to cook baked beans but they never come out " eatable". lol
I love your site, you have the most interesting recipes. I am hooked, lol
thank you, I really would appreciate your help when you have time
have a day filled with lots of smiles and laughter
ps. I did try to find the recipe in your recipe section but I could not fine it, but dang, I sure did find allot of yummy ones I want to try

Oh, this looks good! Everything I need is ready except the black beans, so haul out the pressure cooker again.

CC: here is my pressure cooker method (I use an electric pressure cooker). Put in 1 lb of dry beans with 8 cups of water and 3 tablespoons of oil (I usually use vegetable oil). Cook under high pressure for 32 minutes, and let the pressure release naturally. The beans come out pretty near perfect every time.

Susan, my husband loved this salad. It's one that doesn't really keep well, so eat it the same day you make it, or the next day.

I love this bean salad with an Asian twist! And any salad that uses those sweet mini-peppers is a winner in my book. The cashews are a nice touch too.

CC, since pressure cookers vary with type and manufacturer, I'll add what I do. It's a fairly conventional pot (you could call it old fashioned). I soak beans overnight, or all day, 2 c beans in 4 c water, with 1 tsp+ salt. Then I drain and rinse. Add beans to the pot with 4 - 5 c water, oil the gasket of the pot well, seal. Bring to pressure, then cook 8 - 10 minutes. Let them cool down, then release lid.
Adding salt to the soak is new to me, from recent reading I've done. The beans soften better with it, so cooking time is at the shorter end.

The pictures made my mouth water! I will have to make a "clean eating" version of this! I love your blog, BTW. =]

Kalyn, I love those mini peppers. They add great shape as well as color to my salads.

Susan, thanks so much for adding your method.

Jacqueline, thank you. Now, what exactly is a clean eating version? I wish I knew more about that.

Lydia, this looks wonderful and I've been imagining all the flavours. I have all the ingredients except the sesame seeds and cashews so guess what I've added to my grocery order!

Michelle in Wellington, NZ

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