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Pumpkin pie spice: like or dislike?

Pumpkin pie spices, from The Spice House.

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I love the pumpkins you carve into faces that are silly or macabre, with flickering candles inside. I'm less keen on the pumpkins you cook into pies or soups or loaves of bread. If you're not a lover of pumpkin, however, you can still be a lover of pumpkin pie spice, a mix of cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger powder, mace, and cloves. So many "warm" spices in one jar -- what's not to love? Try it in apple pie, or pear spice muffins, or a cake; substitute pumpkin pie spice for the total of the spices called for in your recipe. Pumpkin pie spice is a convenience food you might like if you bake a lot, or make those copycat coffee-shop pumpkin spice lattes.

Pumpkin pie spice: like or dislike?

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Dislike. Not a fan, though it seems this time of year everything is made with pumpkin spice.

LIKE! i like to make my own pumpkin spice mix, because i can use more of one spice and less of another, tailoring the mixture to my personal taste. i've also bought store bought and *doctored it up* lol, but hey--if it works......why not? convenience has its place in the kitchen nowdays and i'm not above taking the convenience route from time to time ;0)


I have some recipes that call for it and the blend and proportions of the different spices are perfect. Most times I blend my own and tailor it to the recipe I'm making.

Not a fan. Of this or most any other pre-made mixes of spices. I really like most of those spices individually and prefer to use them individually as called for in a recipe. I usually pass over a recipe calling for "pumpkin pie spice." Too generic. Why rely on some manufactuter's idea of the content and ratio?

I like pumpkin pie spice, but it's not one of my must-have spice blends. And although I am not a pumpkin hater, I'm not one of those people who just can't wait for pumpkin season either. Butternut squash is another story though!

I own some, but rarely use it. I find it too bland and usually end up adding more of certain spices. Usually, I just make my own combinations.

Plain & simple, in my pies only. Love it. Anything else, I'll pass.

Love! I make my own, and use it in everything from bread to oatmeal to lattes.

The premade mixes are OK. I usually prefer to make my own blend that I think will complement whatever I am putting it in.

I do not purchase or use 'Pumpkin Spice' because I already have the ingredients in solitary form. I tend to have a heavy hand with cinnamon, don't care for nutmeg except in eggnog, prefer fresh ginger. Mace, don't use much. Just sayin'

Never use it (oher than a small jar I was given years ago). I already own the individual spices and keep them fresh in the freezer to preserve the oils. Don't generally buy blends so I can control the specific flavors to taste.

Dislike. I also have the individual spices (except mace). I find them more versatile this way and there's one less bottle in my crowded spice cabinet.

Love! Tastes like fall in New England. :)

With a couple small kids at home, I can't always find the time to make my own, so I like the convenience of it!

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