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Parmesan cheese: like or dislike?

Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

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Am I a parm snob? I guess I am. Having grown up in a kitchen where parmesan cheese was a powdery substance shaken out of a green can (over spaghetti with meatballs, and sauce made from packet mixed with water), I'm now very particular about using real Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese in my own kitchen. You can identify real Parmigiano-Reggiano by the lettering stenciled into the rind (see the photo). It's a classy cheese, sharp and dry and nutty. Real parm is expensive, but there are good American-made parmesan cheeses that cost a bit less and will be fine in most cooking situations. Buy a wedge of cheese, and grind it yourself, as you need it, either in the food processor, or by hand on a box grater. There's no substitute for parm -- the real thing, or a well-made imposter -- whether on a salad, in lasagne, or scrambled into eggs.

Parmesan cheese: like or dislike?

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i love, love parmesan and use it quite a lot! one of these days, i'm gonna suck it up and buy a wedge of the imported real deal with the stamped lettering on the rind ;0) no telling how much i'd swoon over it...no telling how much hubster would swoon over the price either LOL ....if i had to choose only one cheese to use, i believe it would be parmesan

LOVE... almost more than life itself! :) Mary Ann Esposito was at my house last year for an event and I had a block of Parmesan to nibble on before our recipe judging. She was 'horrified' that I did not have a Parmesan cheese knife. Two days later, what arrived in the mail? A Parmesan knife from Mary Ann!

I love real Parmesan cheese and remember how excited I was when Costco here started carrying it some years back. That made it a lot more affordable for me, and now I don't hesitate to shave some big pieces of Parmesan on to a salad or into some soup. This is definitely in the category of "always in the fridge" for me. And now I guess I need a Parmesan knife; who knew?

It is a must have for me . Over a salad. Pasta or the rind to flavor soup

I absolutely adore Parmesan cheese. And don't forget to save the rinds to use in soup.

I adore it. Finely grated, shredded, shaved. I used to get in trouble when I was little, because I would break off chunks of the wedge that was put out with Sunday dinner! There was always a little saucer of grated Parm by the side of the stove, next to the big pot of "Gravy" so you could "test" the gravy, by dipping in a slice of Italian bread, then dipping into the Parm.

Love it and can't be without it!

Love it, it is always in the fridge. My youngest started cooking in the past year, she uses it too.

I love it too. Try a few small chunks of good Parmesan with a good orange marmalade for a quick dessert. Simple and fantastico.

I like parmesan cheese. It adds so much flavor to dishes.

One of my favorite foods!

the fire station in herron buys entire wheel and sells it by the chunk what ever you want at 11.00 dollars per pound

It I always in my refrigerator. I love taking a shard of Parmesan and nibbling on it with a glass of red wine. Perfect!

I always have it in the refrigerator, too. It enhances everything! And it is amazing standing alone with a piece of melon or apple....

cousin martin said,**Try a few small chunks of good Parmesan with a good orange marmalade for a quick dessert**
so....how would one go about eating this? am thinking there is a base for this, like toast or some butter cracker? football season is upon us, this would be nice on the buffet for those who like the play on salty-sweet; it sounds delish, but, i don't know how i would go about doing this lol, would you expand your idea a bit more, cousin martin? ;0)

Hi Threefeathers! I'm a simple kind of guy. I just put a knife into a wedge of cheese and break out a piece. I then cut that into smaller bits. I put some marmalade or jam on the plate and pick up the cheese and dip it into the marmalade and pop it into my mouth...kind of like what one does with a french fry and ketchup. Of course you could use a fork, and could use fancy tooth picks if you were setting these out at a party or buffet.

oh thank you, cousin martin!! i spent the night thinking how to do this and MY way was as simple as yours....just *chunk-n-dunk* ;0) i have a new wedge of parm and about half a jar of orange marmalade...i looked on the parm wrapping and there are just 3 ingredients, so, altho made in wisconsin, it's as *real* as i'm a'gonna get for now lol

Parmigiano-Reggiano is always in my fridge. Well wrapped it keeps a very long time. I buy a big wedge at Costco, carve off a junk for use and vacuum seal the rest. While pricey to acquire a serving of grated Parmesan is not that much cheese so you don't use that much most of the time. The flavour of the Reggiano is so much better than most generic store Parmesan.

I love Parmesan. Nutty, rich and buttery

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