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Shrimp: like or dislike?


Welcome to Like or Dislike, where you get to share how you really feel about ingredients from the pantry, ingredients I'm thinking about adding to my pantry, other seasonal foods, and favorite cooking gear. The things you like are sure to find their way to the recipes here on The Perfect Pantry, so do tell.

This week, a no-brainer for me. I love shrimp. Love, with a capital L. On a visit to New Orleans a bunch of years ago, I ate fresh Gulf shrimp at least twice a day, every day (and yes, some breakfasts might have been involved). Those who are allergic to shellfish have my complete sympathy, for they are destined to a life without shrimp. The only trick to preparing shrimp is to not overcook it. Shrimp take just two minutes to cook, and ignoring them for longer guarantees you will have a tough, chewy ball of seafood. Cooked just right, shrimp are sweet, almost buttery, and they love to dress in a nice, spicy sauce. If you are a shrimp lover, what's your favorite way to serve them?

Shrimp: like or dislike?

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Love Shrimp

Definitely like!! Can be a bit expensive though. :)

I love shrimp, and I grew up with a shrimp-loving dad. My mom was not a huge fan though. This is something I always have in the freezer.

Love shrimp! it's delicious anyway you decide to prepare it.

LOVE LOVE LOVE SHRIMP!!! So delicious, easy and versatile! I think they make any meal seem special!! An affordable little luxury.

love :)

I love shrimp and so do my kids. My husband can't stand them (more for us!). Besides the usual shrimp scampi with pasta one of my all time favorite recipes is for spicy baked Cajun shrimp. http://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/spicy-baked-shrimp-1428 I make it for guests all the time as an appetizer and get compliments every time. I've tried switching out the shrimp with tofu for my husband but it was an epic failure as the tofu absorbed WAY too much of the marinade and was freakishly spicy. I'm sticking with the shrimp!

I love shrimp, but it doesn't love me. Developed an allergy about 15 years ago and haven't eaten a bite since. More for the rest of all the shrimp lovers in the world!!

I love shrimp! Grilled quickly and served with a mixture of hoisin and sweet chili sauce, they're amazing!


Shrimp on GRITS...
C'mon, I'm in Georgia!
Also, shrimp in garlic/butter sauce with good french bread. Breakfast omelet with shrimp and feta.
One of my favorite foods, for sure.

Not a fan. The only way I like it grilled or broiled with some pretty aggressive seasoning. I love lobster and crab, though.

I have tried, tried, tried and just don't like shrimp--taste and texture. It kind of bugs me that I don't like it because it always looks so good, then I make myself try it again and just don't like it.

I love shrimp!! I would have it everyday if it wasn't so expensive.

LOVE shrimp, altho it's not in the budget as often as we'd like; a simple saute in butter and garlic is always a fave, as is a chile-lime marinade before grilling or brushing with a thai sweet chile sauce while grilling....keeping it simple seems to work best for us ;0)

They are the best. Don't ever overcook and serve mushy, though--YUK!!!

Shrimp cocktail is my favorite, but we cook with it all the time.

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