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Ice cream: like or dislike?

Ice cream

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I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream. At least, here in New England, we do. I believe that in this part of the country, we eat more ice cream per person than anywhere else, and we're partial to eating ice cream (and drinking iced coffee, too) in the middle of winter. Given the endless snow storms, you'd think we would forego it this year, but we don't. For me, ice cream must have something chocolate in it, or on it, but I recognize that for you, it might be lemon, or strawberry, or passion fruit, or jelly bean. I respect that, but if I'm going to eat the calories, I want them to be chocolate. And I don't want frozen yogurt instead of real, creamy ice cream. I'd love a bowl of chocolate ice cream with raspberries or strawberries for Valentine's Day. Or any day. How about you?

Ice cream: like or dislike?

Last week: garlic. You love it. Period. Except for Cousin Martin, who just doesn't love a whole lot of it.

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This maybe the most different answer - not a fan of ice cream. Too cold.

What's not to LOVE? Cold, creamy, sweet! I do prefer vanilla, although I also like chocolate or coffee flavored. I've been to Ben and Jerry's in VT, but seldom buy their brand. I also like frozen yogurt, especially frozen Greek yogurt. But of course homemade ice cream is the BEST.

OMG yes,the old flavors like ginger, rum raisin, frozen pudding, maple walnut. Must be rich and creamy, non of that "lite" stuff please - that's not even worth eating. Take a nice big profiterole, fill it with the best vanilla, drizzle with chocolate and whipped cream - oh heaven! Very elegant desert for Valentine's day.

I got an ice cream maker for Xmas and STILL haven't used it! I think raspberry w chocolate bits would be great to make for Vday! ICECREAM!!!!

I think Utah is pretty high in ice cream consumption too. I like ice cream okay (and it got me through a serious illness once) but it's not something I'm passionate about. And if I was needing comfort food it wouldn't be anywhere close to the top of my list.

Easy to pass over. Have maybe 3 times a year and really work myself for it.

Plain, unadulterated, creamy, rich, vanilla bean ice cream, oh my!! Heavenly!!

I do like ice cream but there are some years when I only have a bowl or two in summer. I try not to bring it home but during the recent blizzard my husband brought home a Caramel and Sea Salt gelato and I've had to use all my willpower just to take a couple of spoons daily. It's become a game. I could easily eat the whole pint at one sitting! Trying to limit sugar in my life. But when I succumb, I want real richness not imitation. Another storm is coming - think I might have to get another pint.

Love it, we have Ben & Jerry's here in Vermont, lots of fun flavors--
no longer make it---but remember the days when we made our own with a hand crank paddle---
you appreciate more
stowe, vt

My husband brought home some Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Therapy a few days ago, between storms -- I think that summarizes it! However, we eat far less IC than we used to. And gelato - a good one can be better than American style.
All time favorite: a locally made, very pure ice cream; very best flavor, Sweet Cream, no flavor at all, just the sensual pleasures.

My idea of dessert is cheese/fruit, that sort of thing. So, ice cream really doesn't do it for me. I do love to see family and friends enjoying the stuff in the summer while I bury my face in a melon...

I LOVE ice cream. I'll by pass all other desserts for it. Vanilla is my favorite, but lately I've been eating a lot of chocolate with peanut butter. And when I buy Ben and Jerry's I like to get, "everything but the". It's wonderful.

Love, love, love it, although my gallbladder does not, so I've cut back a bit. No more pints of Haagen Daz Vanilla at midnight. Love just about every flavor, especially black raspberry, although I don't see that much anymore. Can't wait for the summer ice cream season got my machine at the ready!

How can anyone not like ice cream? Any time day or night or winter or summer or . . . . Just not wild about the nut flavors.

Love it, Love it, Love it. Chocolate is Nbr. 1. Mocha also is great. Anything with nuts; for a long time Brigham's Mocha almond fudge was my favorite flavor. It had just the right balance of chocolate to coffee and wasn't overly sweet. And then add in the chocolate fudge and the almonds; all my favorite in one. But in the summer, I like fruit flavors. And Richardsons makes a great coffee frozen yogurt with toffee crumbles.

Love ice cream. There are four different favors in the freezer right now.

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