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Garlic: like or dislike?


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Garlic. Can't cook without it, can't stand to be near someone who's eaten too much of it. (It's not called the "stinking rose" for nothing.) That's my dilemma. I'd guess that 75 percent of everything I cook begins with onions and garlic. Cousin Martin isn't crazy about recipes like pesto that call for huge amounts of garlic. How about you?

Garlic: like or dislike?

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Love! Being married definitely helps in that department (to a big lover of garlic himself).

I love garlic.

I love garlic, and like you I use it in almost everything. I'm always trying to do better at buying fresh garlic, but I use the stuff in the jar quite a bit too!

The only garlic I do not like is the wet garlic in a jar.

Love love love garlic!

I'm lucky to have a member that has a farm which I saw him more often, though when out will use farmers markets or jar. Some depends on growing seasoning they got wiped out by rain one year.

Almost everything we cook has garlic in it — usually doubling whatever quantity the recipe calls for. Chicken with 40 cloves of garlic is a fave. There's never less than 10 bulbs on the counter at any one time...for 2 people! I can't imagine how many there would be if we were cooking for 4-5. I think we are addicted.

Love garlic! Recently had is baked whole and that was delicious too.

Use garlic almost everyday, love it! Luckily, so does my husband!

we love garlic, use it in most of the dishes we do--
partially like the extra large garlic we get in southern quebec every summer
lots of flavor--
stowe, vermont

Love it! There is nearly always some in the house.

Love it - aioli and pesto are easy favorites. The moment of enlightenment was when my mother, mid-1960's, made Julia Child's garlic mashed potatoes, and served them to my shocked in-laws. Delicious!
Lately, the garlic we buy has been too old and sprouting. Maybe we need to be better consumers, or find a better source.

Love garlic. Especially, garlic olive oil used to fry (gasp!) up chicken nuggets/pork chops/chicken breasts....sautéed green beans....yes love garlic. Except when I get a whiff of it still on my hands even after using dish soap thinking this will get it off, not so much then!

Love it! Garlic breath means you know how to flavor food, come sit next to me.

Love it! Pickled, roasted, crushed, rubbed, etc. Perhaps it's my Italian roots. :)

Love the stuff. I always forget to leave it out before we go to a party, so I bet we turn others off with our breath. I have always used the fresh bulb. I enjoy the process of preparing it. The time it takes to peel, chop, mince and cream garlic slows me down and supports the change-over to a lovely evening.

Adore and can't imagine cooking without it! Once we see a recipe with garlic and onion (not to mention ginger), what could be bad?

I would love to like garlic...really! But more than a hint and it's too strong for me. Even the smell driving through Gilroy California ( the garlic growing capital of the U.S.) can be too intense for me. Lydia knows me well!

One year, I planted garlic next to tomato plants hoping to get a head-start on spagetti sauce--alas, disappointment. Fascinating to me that garlic is a part of so many different cuisines.

LOVE!! 'NUFF said.

love garlic! but raw garlic tends to upset my stomach so i don't use it raw hardly anymore; roasting helps with the digestive issues so that's how i usually use it; garlic and onion goes in nearly in everything but oatmeal and desserts around here....i can't imagine cooking without either of them lol

Love it! Use it almost daily. Great sliced thinly on pizza.

Absolutely LOVE it.

I love garlic, but I've been put on a Low FODMAP diet in addition to having to be gluten free, and I find it hard to cook now!

Garlic is essential to me for cooking and eating. Love the stuff!

Love garlic---one of the largest sellers in Hawaii is "butter garlic shrimp"

I can't imagine cooking without garlic and onions. I love it roasted and smeared on stuff, I sautee it usually every night, and I use garlic powder. I don't buy the bottled stuff - preferring to mince or juice or grate my own.
I hated it as a child when we used to have to take a gulp of garlic water when we lived with my Aunt Rene. She kept a jar of garlic cloves suspended in water. But sometimes, she'd give us a peppermint candy afterward.
VIva la garlic!

Love it! We call it Vitamin G. Grow it, cook with it, eat it.

I like garlic, and use it in plenty except in traditional family recipes - brahmin-style vegetarian cooking excludes alliums! I grew up eating food mostly without onion and garlic. I'm happy to cook with garlic, but it isn't for me an essential kitchen ingredient.

Is there such a thing as a allergy to garlic? Whenever I eat anything with garlic, I don't sleep at night as I have a very bad taste in my mouth and feel as if I have a fever (although I don't). For that reason, I avoid garlic.

Love garlic. I just made garlic paste which didn't last long in our household.

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