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The Pantry Quiz #99

spike seasoning

Multiple Choice

Several years ago my friend Kalyn introduced me to Spike Seasoning, a versatile spice blend invented by Gayelord Hauser, a German-born naturopath, nutritionist to the stars, and perhaps more-than-a-friend of Greta Garbo. How many spices are there in the original formula for Spike Seasoning?

A. 9
B. 19
C. 29
D. 39


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: Unlike other firm cheese, feta is aged for only two months.]

You can find many of the answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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Since I do not have a clue.....and my sister's birthday is on the 19th....we have a guess. Wonder if it is correct?

19 Spices

Not a clue, and it's not like I *need* another spice blend in my spice drawers or anything, but thanks to you and Kalyn I'll check it out. Ya'll're good cooks so it must be good!

(Is ya'll're a word?)

39 and it is in my pantry.

I know the answer but I won't give it away!

Has to be 39 - GH was a man who didn't know when to stop, on this and the other blends he formulated. I have a bottle in front of me, and the list is daunting. I always gave credit to the orange peel for its bright taste.
To your celebrity list you can add Oprah (at least at some point, with one of her celebrity chefs).

39 Spices

39 - I used to use it. I remember the ingredient list was long. I don't have any now.


9 spices

#99! And another landmark coming!

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