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The Pantry Quiz #100


Do You Know?

Of all the ingredients in The Perfect Pantry, water is the most versatile. After all, without water, grains wouldn't grow, sauces wouldn't flow, and seeds wouldn't sprout. What are the ingredients in a cup of water?


Please leave your answer in the comments.

[Last week's answer: Spike Seasoning is a blend of a whopping 39 spices.]

After 100 weeks of quiz questions that have been silly, brain twisting, and sometimes a little bit educational, The Pantry Quiz comes to an end. Thank you all for your wonderful answers and guesses, and for adding to our body of knowledge with your informative responses. We'll be back next Saturday morning with a fun new weekly feature, and the answer to today's quiz. See you then!

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Hydrogen and oxygen!

What a fun one to end the pantry quiz on. And of course hydrogen and oxygen but doesn't most water also have minerals?

I'm not good at quizzes, I haven't the patience and my old brain doesn't retrieve information as well as it used to.

....BUT, I think I can handle this one: H2O

I'm looking forward to your next feature, Lydia.

H2O Obviously.

Thank you, Lydia, for a wonderful "100 Quizzes". I enjoyed every one and look forward to whatever new feature you will send my way.

Trick question? :)
Hydrogen and oxygen, specifically 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part oxygen.
Can't wait to see what you've cooked up for us next.

Theoretically it is H2O (two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen one), but it is plenty of salts and minerals (luckily, because it prevents us from dehydration and many other undesirable issues).

Lydia, many thanks for these 100 Pantry Quizzes! Not only have I learnt many things, but I have also enjoyed them immensely! Looking forward next Saturday!

...yes to the above, but don't forget the chlorine and fluoride added by municipalities, or the copper or iron from your pipes (inside and out), or many other anti-taste or health additives (intentional or the side effect of activities like fracking or overgrowths in water systems, or naturally occurring undesirables).
What a down note for quiz #100! I was hoping the pantry quiz would go on forever, but I know that what comes next will be something else to look forward to.


Hydrogen and Oxygen and whatever else has dissolved into the water, assorted minerals and such, and some communities add chlorine and other things, which we all hope are beneficial.

Water is H2O - Dihydrogen oxide.

Assuming that the water is not distilled, it will have some residual salts in it, at a very low level.

two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen

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