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The Pantry Quiz #83

Sherry vinegar

Do You Know?

Authentic sherry vinegar, made only in a small area near Cadiz, Spain, must be aged in wooden casks in order to receive the official designation vinaigre de Jerez. What is the minimum amount of time that the vinegar has to age?

1. 6 weeks
2. 6 months
3. 6 years
4. 16 years


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: False. Garam masala is a particular type of spice blend, and Madras curry powder is a very different spice blend.]

You can find many of the answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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6 years

6 years. I have never tried the real thing. I have used sherry vinegar in the past but didn't use it regularly because I preferred a red wine vinegar, or even balsamic. I should try a more authentic aged variety and maybe it will become a regular in my line up. Thanks for the introduction.

I'm going to say 6 years also. I have never had this particular vinegar but now I'll be looking for it.

Six months.

It's great that some real good things don't need much time! (Of course I dismiss the aging time of the sherry casks!)

I do not only have sherry vinegar in my pantry, I have the one in the picture!

6 months. I've never had it.

Going with 6 months....enough time to get some barrel flavor yet not continue to ferment to wine.

Vinagre de Jerez: minimum six months aging.

Vinagre de Jerez Reserva: minimum two years aging.

Vinagre de Jerez Gran Reserva: minimum ten years aging.

I'm going with 6 months. Sherry vinegar is one of the 5 types of vinegar currently in my pantry, and I bought my first bottle because of Alanna's Greens 'n All Beet Soup on A Veggie Venture. Now I love it sprinkled over sautéed beet greens and topped with a fried egg, and I'm looking forward to eating that when the farm share resumes next month!

It's in my pantry, but I can't find any indication of length of aging. Thanks to Kay, I'd say it's 6 months -- Vinagre de Jerez. I love it on a Spanish dish of chick peas and greens.

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