The Pantry Quiz #70
Multiple Choice
As it's early in the year and we're still sticking to our eat-healthy resolutions (aren't we?), let's talk about lycopene, an antioxidant that might help to reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease and macular degeneration. Which of the following pantry ingredients contains the highest amount of lycopene?
1. Ginger root
2. Ketchup
3. Lemon
4. Canned chopped tomatoes
Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.
[Last week's answer: As far as I know, Rusty Red is not a variety of dried mushroom. I made that up. But, if it is a real mushroom, it's not an edible one, as most red mushrooms are poisonous.]
You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.
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Lycopene increases when the food is cooked: ketchup.
I'm going to guess the ketchup is highest merely because of it's concentrated form--the canned chopped tomatoes would still have a high water content.
Good quiz!
canned chopped tomatoes.
Canned Chopped Tomatoes
Canned tomatoes.
Well I've always heard that tomatoes are high in lycopene, but I honestly don't know if it's in ginger or lemons. So I am stumped.
Canned chopped tomatoes, I think.
My guess is lemons...... Citrus has lycopene
I would guess ketchup for the same reason Lydia stated.
Canned tomatoes.
Canned tomatoes! My pantry always has at least one can
ketsup, katshup, ketchup....:)
I'm going to guess ketchup if we are comparing equal weights, because it's cooked and concentrated.
I'm guessing canned tomatoes, because while ketchup *is* concentrated, it has other ingredients in addition to tomatoes.
glad to see Pomi here......for about the same price as other product, you get exactly whats on the box; tomatoes, not a long list of added ingredients. Well done Lydia