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The Pantry Quiz #53


True or false?

Today we begin the second year of The Pantry Quiz. I hope you've had lots of fun with these Saturday morning brain teasers, and that you've learned a few things about pantry ingredients along the way. (I have!) Thank you for being here, and for playing along with the quiz every week. Now, on to this week's question!

True or false: you don't need vinegar to make a vinaigrette.


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: A tricky quiz last week! Ginger root has the highest water content by weight, at 91.4%, followed by yellow onions, 84.3%; garlic, 59.8%; and mayonnaise, 16%.]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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True...if correct, an example - start with wine and have it oxidize to vinegar.

It is false)) you need vinegar or lemon juice to make vinaigrette

Strictly speaking you can't make a "vinaigrette" without some sort of vinegar beacuse the word itself comes from the French vinaigre meaning sour wine. However the sour element can be replaced with souring agents such as lemon or lime juice and then emulsified with oil in to a dressing that is like a vinaigrette.

False... I think you just need something acidic.

True, and I echo Gary's comments.

I don't know how literally you are taking the word vinaigrette, but I'm thinking false; you can use lemon juice or other sour ingredients.

True, you need a acid or sour.

False. I have used lemon, lime, orange and just about any citrus in my dressings in place of vinegar. It makes an interesting dressing!

True, any acid will do. I do have a few different vinegars on hand.

True. I think even dressings made with lemon juice are still called a vinaigrette.

Something acidic.

Congratulations on a year worth of Saturday morning cleverness!

I guess, for a "classic" vinaigrette, you need a wine vinegar. But other acidic liquids, lemon juice for example, make excelent vinaigrettes. It just depends on what kind of flavor profile you are trying to develop.

you just remind me that I have some old red wine stuck in the back of the cabinet that I am making into vinegar - I was aerating it faithfully once a week but it has slipped off the radar - time to check on its progress!

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