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The Pantry Quiz #46

The Pantry Quiz

What is it?

Native to Africa, this pantry ingredient, derived from a pod-like edible fruit, is sour when young, and sweet when it's older. Hint: you'll find it in your bottle of Worcestershire sauce.


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: Arrowroot, cornstarch, potato starch and tapioca all are gluten-free.]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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Tamarind pod. I have it in my pantry!

tamarind fruit


Tamarind. I love it and I don't know why I don't use it more in cooking. My favorite Vietnamese dish is Sour Tamarind Shrimp Broth, delicious!

And I think I have some Tamarind paste in the fridge, so maybe this will motivate me to use it!

I agree; it's tamarind!

Tamarind. I've never bought it.

this picture looks vaguely familiar...tamarind

Tamarind pods, and I do need some of the paste!

Tamarind! We don't have any currently but we use it in curry or anything that needs a sweet-sour punch. We even made a popsicle with it.

Tamarind is correct. I can't believe it, but you got me this time. I don't have it on my shelf at the moment. I should use it more often because my husband and I like it, but I have children that are not really fond of the sweet sour notes that it gives a dish. I need to expose them to it more so that they can develop a fondness for it as well.


Oh wait, they may be in my Worcestershire but not in pod form.

this is a product that I see often in my local stores but never use - I must try this!!

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