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Recipe for grilled Asian turkey breast with soy, garlic and chili paste

Grilled Asian turkey breast, great for sandwiches, wraps, or pasta salad.

TRUE CONFESSION: I am that crazy woman who stands outside in the middle of winter in a coat and scarf and mittens, tending the grill on the back porch, at the mercy of the elements. The first time I made this Asian-flavored turkey breast, shot through with soy, garlic and my favorite chili paste, that was the scenario; in fact, it was snowing, which made the act of grilling heroic and the result worth every moment of frozen-fingered suffering. Now that the weather is warmer, I grill more often, and more comfortably. Put thoughts of the all-day Thanksgiving turkey out of your mind; boneless turkey breast cooks quickly. If you can't find a whole boneless turkey breast, buy a bone-in and ask the butcher to break it down for you (save the bones, wings and neck for stock). I use this garlicky, spicy turkey to add spark to sandwiches, summer rolls and pasta salads.

Add slices of this grilled Asian turkey breast to summer rolls or pasta salad.

Grilled Asian turkey breast with soy, garlic and chili paste

From the pantry, you'll need: reduced-sodium soy sauce, garlic, chili paste with garlic.

Serves 8-10 or more.


1 3-4 lb boneless, skiness turkey breast, tenderloins removed (reserve for soup stock)
1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
2 tsp chili paste with garlic
2 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced
2 scallions, trimmed, cut into large chunks (green and white parts)
1/4 cup water


Combine all ingredients in a ziploc bag. Seal the bag, pressing out most of the air. Massage the bag to distribute the ingredients evenly, and set in the refrigerator to marinate for at least 6 hours, or (preferably) overnight. Turn the bag over once or twice, if you remember, to marinate the meat more evenly.

When you're ready to cook, remove the turkey from the refrigerator. As it comes to room temperature, preheat your grill on high heat.

Grill the turkey for approximately 10 minutes on each side, until it reaches an internal temperature of 165°F.

Remove the turkey and allow it to sit at room temperature for a few minutes before slicing. Or, cool completely, and refrigerate or freeze.

[Printer-friendly recipe.]

More recipes in The Perfect Pantry:
Zanzibar tandoori grilled turkey breast, from The Perfect Pantry
Soy and five-spice braised turkey, from Gourmet Traveller
Chipotle-soy marinated turkey tenderloins, from The Lemon Bowl
Asian inspired turkey breast (in the slow cooker), from A Year of Slow Cooking

Grilled Asian turkey breast, marinated in a spicy combination of soy, garlic, and chile paste, tastes great in sandwiches or lettuce wraps.

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Wowzers...a must...but I only have a family of 3 or 4 depending who's back from college!! Could I possibly use one half a turkey breast or another cut?..I am open to any suggestions for this succulent offering...Many thanks for your continuous excellence.

Donna, you can surely use half a turkey breast, but I think you'll like this enough to make the whole thing and put half in the freezer.

This sounds so delicious, and I've been known to grill wearing a coat and gloves myself.

Kalyn, there's something really delicious about grilling in the winter, as though you are cheating the seasons. I think it makes food taste better.

We are not great grillers here. My spouse has flirted with delusions of becoming a Griller, but they peter out before he really gets going.
Perhaps this summer while he is gone I can just stop waiting for him to step up and do it on my own.
Though I'd rather have a bigger grill, or perhaps a bigger propane tank (we use the teeny cylinders on our little grill and I ran out mid-way once and it scarred me).

I love the flavors of this turkey breast, and will find a way to make it.


I am not a winter-griller and in fact I just unveiled my grill this morning and it will be classic burgers tonight for the "season-opener" but this turkey will go into the list to try when having company! Thanks!

Kirsten, you can make this under the broiler, too, though you'll miss that slightly smoky charred quality you get from the grill.

Carol, we winter grillers are a strange lot! I'm lucky to have my grill on an open porch, so I don't have to tromp through the snow to get to it.

This is making me drool! I love the ingredients so I can't wait to try it, as I am trying to add more turkey and chicken this year into my bbqs. I will report back after I try it!

Winnie, I've only recently begun to grill boneless turkey breast, and now I can't imagine why I never did it before now. It's a great way to cook turkey.

Wow, I love this beautiful looking turkey breast, everything looks delicious! The flavouring is brilliant!

Choc Chip Uru

I am also that crazy woman Lydia with my toque and mittens with tongs in hand. I always thought it a Canadian thing but it is also a northern States phenomenon too:D

Bellini, I *do* have a Canadian husband! But I am the griller in the family. Glad to know I'm not the only winter griller out there!

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