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The Pantry Quiz #30


Multiple choice

When I was a little girl, ketchup was my savior, standing between me and a plate of my mother's overcooked calf's liver, which she was convinced would lead me to a healthy life, if only I could manage to swallow it. Which I did, by smothering it in ketchup. I've been indebted to ketchup ever since. From what language does the word ketchup come?

1. Swahili
2. Mandarin (Chinese)
3. Malay
4. Dutch
5. Hindu


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: Nori, sheets of dried seaweed used to wrap sushi rolls.]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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Ah- I think I know this one- ketchup comes from catsup, which is/was a Malay or Indonesian, like kecup manis.

I don't know the answer, but I used to eat ketchup on liver too! I eventually liked liver without the ketchup, and even craved it during pregnancy.

There is a dispute over whether the derivation is Malay. or Chinese, or Vietnamese. But clearly ketchup was an attempt by English speakers to say the original word which came from S.E. Asia and was pronounced as "kecap" or "ke chiap" or something close to that.

I have no idea; looking forward to hearing what's the right answer.

My first thought was Dutch, but Cousin Martin makes a good case for Malay.

I might have thought "British" but that wasn't on the list! So I will have to agree with Cousin Martin!

Hmmm...I say Mandarin but am using faulty logic. What is up with our mothers feeding us liver? My mother fried ours in bacon fat which was rude because we thought it was bacon only to find when we sat down it was liver + onions. Gross. And there was no ketchup allowed. (Hork!)

I would say Mandarin Chinese. I have seen lots of Chinese recipes with the inclusion of ketchup or ketchup-like substances added.

I'd say Dutch, from the dutch word for kecap/catsup; ketjap.

I have no idea, but I will note that several of the Indian folks in the food photography class I'm taking include ketchup in their plated photos.

I'm guessing Mandarin.
I've been a big fan for as long as I can remember, so I definitely have some on hand.

I have absolutely no idea, and I'm surprised you can even look at ketchup given its association with liver in your life!

Yes to Malay, but it was probably the Dutch who brought it to Europe. Old cookbooks for other ketchups, like mushroom.

I think it was originally Mandarin. I think they used a sauce made from pickled fish and spices that they called something (can't rememember what) that "ketchup" is derived from. There again, I may have dreamt it!

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