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The Pantry Quiz #24


Multiple choice

Butter. Sweet, sweet butter. Every summer, an artisan carver creates a butter statue for the Iowa State Fair. The butter cows -- weighing in at 600 pounds or so -- are the most famous, but the carvers in Iowa and at other state fairs have reached into popular culture for additional inspiration. Which of these state fair butter sculptures required the largest amount of butter (in pounds) to create?

1. Richard Nixon
2. Elvis
3. Santa Claus
4. Darth Vader and Yoda


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: Chocolate. Bad for animals, bad for hips.]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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Darth Vader or Yoda never appeared in butter. Too bad, the kids would have recognized it immediately. It is not too late. There is another Star Wars on the table as we speak.


800 lb of Elvis!

At the Ohio state fair in 2011 we checked out the space shuttle instrument panel in butter. It was pretty cool.

While in the dairy barn we also enjoyed ice cream. My son and I had chocolate, but my daughter had strawberry.

The best ice cream at a fair was at the Hillsdale County Fair (motto: The Most Popular Fair On Earth).

You may notice I have not answered the question, but I'm hoping for partial credit.

I would love to see those sculptures! I have no idea on the answer but butter sculptures, ice sculptures, etc. are kind of mermerizing I think. As in how did they do that? ;-) Yes, I have sweet butter in my pantry ... lots of organic sweet butter.


Well I am late to this party, but I don't think I could have guessed; this was a tough one!

A toss up between santa and elvis!

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