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The Pantry Quiz #15

Champagne (photo courtesy of Wikipedia).

What is it?

Happy New Year! Let's end 2012 with a quiz question about everyone's favorite celebration libation. One common pantry ingredient is added to grapes (Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Meunier varietals) to make champagne. What is it?


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: An ancho chile is a dried, smoked poblano pepper.]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


Yeast (I hope)


Sugar or yeast? Not totally sure Both cause fermentation and bubbles....
Maybe yeast is more in beers


Sugar, most often in a syrup form.

I didn't schlep through those claustrophobic champagne caves in both France and California for nothing! Thus I hope I know that sugar is added once the wine has mostly fermented in order to develop that extra carbonation and bottle POP! As for yeast, I think that natural yeasts do the fermentation. Specific brewer's yeast is added to make beer; but grapes have lots of natural yeast on their skins and even in white wine, yeast mixes with the juice when the skins are strained out.

Like Laura, I'm guessing yeast or sugar or both. I do have both.

I'm guessing sugar, but truly I have no idea. Happy New Year Lydia and Ted!

Home brewers use champagne yeast. "Real" champagne....?

I agree with the yeast answer. Something has to create the bubbles. And yes, I have ordinary yeast in my pantry. Not sure it's the right kind of yeast and it's probably not fresh anyway. Love champagne!

both sugar and yeast! same with catalan 'cava'.

happy new year!!!

sugar makes the bubbles!

I am with Cousin Martin above as he did all the "leg work!" :-)

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