The Pantry Quiz #9
Fill in the blank
Every Thanksgiving, my pantry gets a workout. I use the ingredients in my fridge and freezer, spice rack and cupboards to jazz up same old same old turkey, potatoes and vegetables. (My most-used pantry ingredient is pictured in the photo.)
Complete this sentence: The pantry ingredient I reach for most often at Thanksgiving is ________.
Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know how you plan to use your favorite ingredient in your holiday meal.
[Last week's answer: Pepper was traded ounce-for-ounce for gold.]You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.
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Herbs de Provence?
That looks like fried Thyme leaves.
The pantry ingredient I reach for most often at Thanksgiving is spice dispensers.
thyme (and sage, pepper, salt, ginger,cloves,cinnamon, and I could keep going on). Okay ready to thaw out the turkey Happy Thanksgiving Lydia.
I don't usually cook the turkey myself, but I do use all kinds of savory herbs for veggies and side dishes, including thyme.
Cinnamon. I make, and share, a lot of cranberry sauce.
Thyme. For years it was a sleeper on the spice shelf until I realized that it made onions taste like onions! (Onions have lost their pizazz! They need help, and I don't have the patience to caramelize.)
Thyme, pictured above, and sage, ginger, cinnamon, cloves, allspice, etc. I currently have dried Mediterranean Thyme that I use for many savory dishes, but for the holidays I normally buy fresh. Happy Thanksgiving!
Rosemary! I have huge rosemary plants in my yard so it is used often and especially in fall and holiday dishes.
A time for thyme; just picked some up this morning.
Thyme. Fresh picked from my garden in September, dried, bottled and ready to use from Thanksgiving through Christmas. If I'm lucky, even til St. Pat's Day.
Well, it doesn't look *exactly* like the bag of Penzey's French Thyme in my cupboard, but that's my take on it.
Every Thanksgiving since they gave a small bottle away for free, I've been rubbing my turkey with Penzey's Bicentennial seasoning. And no, I'm not getting a dime for my repeated mentions. Just on my mind this morning.
Thyme! or maybe it is "time" that you reach for most often around the holidays! :-)