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The Pantry Quiz #4

The Pantry Quiz. What is it?

Photo ID

This pantry ingredient that colors your lipstick, repels bugs, stains your fingers and turns cheese yellow has two common names (one Spanish, one English). What are the two names?


Please leave your answer in the comments, and let us know whether you have this ingredient in your pantry.

[Last week's answer: Apple spice cake, my absolute favorite cake for this time of year. According to Baking 911, "eggs are binders that help hold all the ingredients together. Eggs contribute liquid to a recipe and thus serve as a toughener, especially the egg white portion. Egg whites are often used to produce a light, airy texture, and yolks contribute to the color, flavor, and texture of baked products."]

You can find most answers to The Pantry Quiz by using the search box at right, at the top of the page, to hunt for clues. Come back next Saturday for the answer to today's quiz question.

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annatto seeds! I do have them in my pantry!

Annatto. Achiote
Yes...its in my pantry. I color oil w it. My husband is from PR so I need it for cooking. You can buy the colored oil Achiotina by Goya. But its much cheaper to make your own.

annatto or achiote

Yes, I have it and use it for flavoring vegetable oil and rice. My husband is Puerto Rican/American and enjoys an occasional ethnic meal.

Achiote or bixa orellana seeds , i did buy them once but did not know how properly use the spice:(

wow looks like I need to stock some in my pantry I thought it looked like my cats food

In Florida, the Latin influence in our cooking makes these annatto seeds, or achiote seeds, an important ingredient.

Annatto! I have it in ground form but I rarely use it - I need to do more with it!

I have this ingredient but rarely use it. This was a tough one. If I hadn't gotten here late I don't think I would have guessed it!

annato... not in my pantry... as of yet!!

Annato seeds, or achiote. I do not have the seeds in my pantry, although I have ground achiote that I got in Mexico. I don't even know why I knew this!

Achiote, I use this a lot!!!

Annato. We bought some a while ago but never got around to using it.

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