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The Pantry Alphabet: Y


What is it?

Do you have this ingredient in your pantry?

Which of these recipes from The Perfect Pantry contains today's ingredient?

1. Currant cardamom scones
2. Peach vanilla muffins
3. Yam, apple and carrot soup with ginger and honey

When you guess which recipe contains the ingredient, please leave only the number 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below. Please don't leave the name of the ingredient, so others can have fun guessing, too. And let us know if you have this in your pantry.

(Spoiler alert: Thank an accident in a goatskin bag for this ingredient.)

See you next Saturday, for the letter Z.

Last week: xanthan gum.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.




#3. I have some, but it's not in my pantry.
: )

Not Crisco? Not mashed potatoes? I peeked at the clue -- #3, of course!
(Have to make that soup now.)

This is something I always have on hand!

Hmmm...I swear it's #2 and I always have it on hand, but clearly I'm outnumbered. Go figure!

3! Always have a few on hand

3. As someone else said, I have it. But not in my pantry.

It could be #1 as a substitute ingredient but also #3. What will be next Lydia, after Z? Can't wait!! I must try recipe #2 since I have lots of peaches and your muffins sound yummy! -d-

If it's the #3 I think it is, then that's the stuff I make two quarts of every week! But I'm thrown off by Sara's comment - "a few" - seems like a different measurement unit for what I'm thinking of!



I don't think we have any in the pantry right at this moment but we usually keep some in the fridge. I like it with my muesli.

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