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The Pantry Alphabet: Q


What is it?

Do you have this ingredient in your pantry?

Which of these recipes from The Perfect Pantry contains today's ingredient?

1. Spicy green beans with ginger and garlic
2. Kung pao chicken
3. Chicken and vegetable stir-fry

When you guess which recipe contains the ingredient, please leave only the number 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below. Please don't leave the name of the ingredient, so others can have fun guessing, too. And let us know if you have this in your pantry.

(Spoiler alert: It's a green that comes in white or red.)

See you next Saturday, for the letter R.

Last week: panko (Japanese bread crumbs).

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#3, and a new favorite at my house!

3 and yes, I use this in many recipes

3. Not in my pantry.

I was completely stumped by the photo, but yes I love this ingredient!

#3, not currently in our pantry but it is good eats!

3 and I never would have guessed. Not in my pantry. Good photo!

#3 -- I did guess it, but you sneakily changed the recipe name! You'd make a good magician, deflecting attention...

#3, and yes, but not that color.

# 3 I know this one!

My family and I were way out front on this. We've been eating it for 25 years, and are so tickled by all the "new" interest in this wonderful food.

#3, but as others I was completely stumped by the photo. mine doesn't look like that but than again I don't think I have ever looked that closely!

#3 - always in my pantry (I'm Peruvian, and although I don't live in Peru I always have it and try to cook it in different ways for guests). Love making a risotto-style dish with this ingredient too. As well as sushi/maki rolls.

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