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The Pantry Alphabet: P


What is it?

Do you have this ingredient in your pantry?

Which of these recipes from The Perfect Pantry contains today's ingredient?

1. Salmon burgers with green yogurt sauce
2. Baked cherry tomatoes
3. Cod cakes with red pepper, tarragon and yogurt remoulade

When you guess which recipe contains the ingredient, please leave only the number 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below. Please don't leave the name of the ingredient, so others can have fun guessing, too. And let us know if you have this in your pantry.

(Spoiler alert: Before 1970, this pantry ingredient didn't exist.)

See you next Saturday, for the letter Q.

Last week: oregano.

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#1. I don't have it in my pantry at the moment, but one never knows when it might show up.

1, but you were tricky this week!

Tricky, Lydia, tricky! #1. Nice photo, by the way.

#1 (That was sneaky of you).

#1- I have three brands of it...and now you have made me want to make this recipe!

Number 1
I love this ingredient and use it a lot!

1 -- finally, for 2 weeks, I could identify it from the photo.

I have a SW version, but I don't know what to do with it!

I would have never guessed this one without checking the recipes! And I don't have any right now.

#1 & yes, I do.

#1 and yes, a big bag! Love it!

#1 - although for me it's a guess - the ingredient I'm thinking of isn't available here and I've never actually seen it!

#1 and I just tossed out a very old half-used packet of it. Guess I don't use it that much. Would go buy more to make that recipe though!

#1 - I have never used it but hopefully will someday soon. Thanks for the photo.

#1, and duh (recognized the ingredient right away, btw).

1. I always have this in my pantry - it's good for so many things!

#1. It's always in my pantry.

#1 I even had an argument with a chef once about the gluten-free status of this ingredient. (It's not gf, course.)


#1, have it and other kinds too.

Just a comment, when I was reading through the recipes and got to the codfish cakes made me think of my recipes. My father was a transplant to Northern Wisconsin from Boston. We grew up on baked beans, creamed codfish , cheese rarebit, probably seafood at least 2 x a week. Christmas Eve was always scalloped oysters. So good. Don't make these all very often as have to add in favorite foods too from husband's childhood, new favorites for children.

3 and yes, I do have it in my pantry

tricky, tricky, tricky!

1, of course. Recently bought a gorgeous piece of fish in a (French Canadian) market in Grenada. Proprietor/chef didn't want to sell me the fish unless I had some of this on hand on our boat. I didn't, Di he sold me a Baggie of his!

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