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The Pantry Alphabet: I


What is it?

Do you have this ingredient in your pantry?

Which of these recipes from The Perfect Pantry contains today's ingredient?

1. Mexican chocolate "diablo" cupcakes
2. Chocolate spice cookies
3. Quick and easy fudge mocha brownies

When you guess which recipe contains the ingredient, please leave only the number 1, 2 or 3 in the comments below. Please don't leave the name of the ingredient, so others can have fun guessing, too. And let us know if you have this in your pantry.

(Spoiler alert: A Chicago chemist invented this in 1901.)

See you next Saturday, for the letter J.

Last week: hoisin sauce.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.




Number 3, and interesting spoiler alert tip!

3 : )

My first response was dirt, but I knew that couldn't be it! Those brownies do look yummy. Brownies are in my top five favorite foods, so I know what you mean...

3 P.S. Love this series.

#3 and I love, love, love brownies. I have about 10 different recipes that I alternate using. Num.

I guessed it before seeing the spoiler alert but that clinched it: 3

3 All three recipes look delicious! Hmmm, I have a chocolate craving now and I know what you mean about walking through the kitchen after baking anything. How can you resist sampling your "wares" just to make sure they are tasty!?

PS This series is really growing on me! I love it more each week and this week was "kind" of sneaky!

The hardest one yet! #3 -- I love the refresher course.

That was a tough one!

#3 and yes, is in my pantry.

#3 ... I use this all the time in chocolate recipes :-)

am going with recipe 3 and yes it is in my pantry - not often used though !

It is 3. It is not used often by me. The Mexican cupcakes are tempting me to bake. In the pic, the white background resembled frosting, LOL.


#3 and yes I have it!
BTW - much to many people's chagrin I believe the Hi-LO is now a whole Foods!

3 and I use for mocha frosting on my brownies.

It looks good if any of the three, but since everyone else is picking #3, I will too. Great recipes!

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