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Other People's Pantries #185

From Rachel, in Brisbane, Australia:

I've enjoyed looking through all the others, and the first thing I noticed is how much some other people have in their pantries! There are only two people living in my house, and in a few weeks it will be just one -- the lady I live with is getting married -- woot for her!

I shop once a fortnight, but mainly for fresh produce... my fridge is a very different story to my pantry!!


Here is my spice rack, attached to the inside of the pantry door. And yes they are in alphabetical order, can anyone say OCD?? These racks weren't in the pantry when I bought the house, but they were at the very top of the 'needed' shopping list.


On the top shelf is where we keep our huge collection of tea and the liquor... interesting combination, but the collection never seems to get any smaller.

We also keep the instruction folder for the complex we live in, because any good pantry needs the community title laws in it!

On the next shelf down we keep all of our baking supplies. The flour, sugar, rice, cocoa etc. all live here. I'm a bit of a Decor container tragic, but they keep everything so tidy and organised.


Here we see the second top shelf again, along with the third shelf. This is probably the most frequently used shelf in the whole pantry. Here we keep the tinned food, sandwich spreads, and sauces. We like to keep the space on the front right side free, not sure why it has to be that spot, but it just does.


The fourth shelf is home to the foils and wraps, along with our yoghurt making supplies, cereal, and the zip lock bag collection, that I swear seems to multiple in the dark. We also keep the coffee pods for the Nespresso machines somewhere on that shelf.

The bottom shelf of the pantry is home to the bulk supplies we buy. There's a 10kg bag of rice, a box of wine, long life milk, mineral water, tomato sauce, sugar and flour. We also keep some of our bigger appliances down there as well. I don't like keeping appliances on the bench. Those appliances will move out with the housemate.

I hope you enjoyed the look in an Australian pantry.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


I like this pantry, indeed, because the amounts seem more like mine. I'm glad this entry was the last. So sorry to see this feature end.

I've enjoyed all 185 pantries, large, small, messy and tidy. Thank you, Lydia. Now, I'm looking forward to the next new fun feature.

Wow! I wish my pantry looked that good.

It's been fun peeking into so many pantries, but I am looking forward to seeing what is coming next week.

Super organized pantry. I have so enjoyed this feature, Lydia, and 185 pantries is an amazing number! Thanks to you for hosting the series and to all who contributed. Can't wait to see the new feature coming up!


How fitting that the last pantry is also the farthest away, from Lydia's far flung empire. The sun never sets on our pantries!

Rachel, thanks for the tour. How nice to know where everything is!

Thanks for sharing, Rachel. Not only are my spices in alphabetical order, but so is my vast collection of teas...how else am I going to (easily) find what I want? : )
Thank you Lydia! I'm looking forward to what you bring us next.

My spices AND my canned goods are in alphabetical order. :-\

Thank you, Lydia, for letting us see into others' pantries. You're the best. I look forward to the next chapter of your blog.

Rachel, loved your pantry, but exactly what are your yogurt making supplies? I simply add a spoonful of purchased yogurt with active cultures to my warm milk.

Thanks, Lydia, for the great additions to your blog like the pantry peek and market to pantry!

Thanks for entertaining me with all the pantry photos; it's amazing what you can learn just from peering into a tiny corner of someone else’s life.

Wow great panty!! So cool to see pantries from another land!

Sad to see the feature go - looking forward to what is next.

Goodbye Other People's Pantries!

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