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New from the archives: three fresh posts (Recipes: Burmese dry chicken curry, aggression cookies, spicy peanut noodles)


Keeping my promise to update posts from the first two years of The Perfect Pantry, before I photographed the food I cooked, Kathy and I recently recreated three dishes that have one thing in common: they've fallen out of regular rotation in my kitchen and I can't imagine why. I've also updated the links in these posts, which feature powdered ginger, pepper and baking soda.

I don't know much about the food of Burma (Myanmar), though I've always wanted to travel to that very special part of the world. When I saw this recipe for Burmese dry chicken curry a few years ago, I had to try it. Though the name sounds exotic, all of the ingredients have permanent residence in my pantry, and I can't think of a marinated chicken breast I haven't loved. I cook this in the oven; a grill or panini press would do it justice, too.


The recipe for these spicy peanut noodles outlives, by two decades, the Boston restaurant that created it and so kindly allowed me to share it with readers of my newspaper column all those years ago. Peanut butter, orange juice, and Chinese five-spice powder, combined with the bite of powdered ginger, work miracles on any type of noodles.


What fun you'll have making aggression cookies (in the top photo). All you need are a bowl, a spoon, and lots of elbow grease -- and if you have any frustration or hostility, bring it to the kitchen with you. Read the recipe, and you'll see what I mean. And then, please, bake a batch of these cookies. They're full of healthy oats, and you're sure to get whatever is bugging you out of your system. Delicious, and therapeutic, too.


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I make Peanut Noodles fairly often (per my youngest daughter's request), but it is a different recipe than this one. Next time, I'll try yours, as I like variety:)
And the Aggression Cookies look like lots of fun!

They all sound so good!

lol, aggression cookies were the very first cookies I ever baked. Must make them again soon!

Looks like it's a Burmese night, with tempeh for GF and seitan too. I just opened a sack of Thai Jasmine rice and it's time to get to work on it!

Must go check out the aggression cookies, as I have had a very frustrating day.

The name, "aggression cookie" caught me. The recipe sure does look easy and I think my guys would like that cookie. I will definitiely try them. I really enjoy baking old favorites and it looks like this recipe qualifies.

Lana, there are so many variations on peanut noodles (including several on this blog). I love them all!

Kalyn, I think my favorite is actually the most diet-friendly, the Burmese chicken. But I had fun making the cookies, too.

Jenny, I'm so grateful to the reader who found the original source for these cookies.

Susan, you'll love the chicken. I'm sure of it.

Pam, I hope that just reading the recipe will make your day a little bit better. Of course, pounding the dough really gets out the frustration!

Donna, this is definitely an old-fashioned recipe. I love finding little cuttings stuffed into old cookbooks.

Mmmm, they all look good! I love to bake, so I am intrigued by the aggression cookies. However, I have a problem: I can't stop making your miso-Sriracha glazed salmon long enough to try anything else!

Judy, I do know what you mean about that salmon dish -- but of course you still need dessert! The aggression cookies are fun, as so many old recipes are.

What pretty pictures - love the name of those cookies and the Burmese dry chicken curry (I love ground coriander) and spicy peanut noodles (orange juice and 5-spice powder sounds like a nice combination) both sound delicious.

LOL I loved the original post about the cookies and funny enough I own that 1960 Peg Braken cookbook and your post made me go pull it off the3 shelf and actually read it. It is Hilarious! thanks!

I did the "Aggression Cookies". Added an egg, a cup of chopped pecans, some nutmeg, cinnamon and a grated tonka bean.

It worked VERY well.

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