No Kid Hungry (A recipe for the new year)
Every year, on January 1, I make a few resolutions. For the most part, they're personal (exercise more, lose weight, eat dark leafy greens) or work-related (start a new project) or house-related (clean more? compost more?), and for the most part, I've fallen off the resolution wagon by the end of the month.
I have kept one resolution, the same one, every year, and that's to share with you on New Year's Day some ideas about how we can end childhood hunger in the United States by supporting Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry campaign in the year ahead.
Share Our Strength works every day to eradicate childhood hunger in American by 2015. "What’s frustrating about childhood hunger," says Billy Shore, founder and CEO, "is that we know the solutions -- comprehensive and strong food and nutrition programs in places where children live, learn and play -- but these kids aren’t getting connected to them. As we celebrate this holiday season with family and friends, I hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on the millions of children in America who will go to sleep tonight without enough to eat. Will you help spread the word?"
Let's do it. I've come up with a super-easy recipe we can all make together today.
No Kid Hungry, a recipe to end childhood hunger
- You
- Your Facebook and Twitter friends
- Watch the (very short) video above.
- At the end of the video, click the "share" button.
- Click on the Facebook or Twitter icon, and share the link with your friends.
That's it. One simple recipe, one simple action, in less than the time it takes to make a cup of coffee.
More than 14 million children in America go to school without a good breakfast, or come home to no dinner. Not a bad dinner, not a dinner they're not in the mood for. No dinner. That's just plain wrong, and wherever you sit on the political spectrum, I urge you to join me and take the pledge to do something about it. We can end childhood hunger in America by 2015.
Let's make some noise on Facebook and Twitter today.
Wishing everyone the happiest of new years, from my pantry to yours.
Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.
Done! The easiest recipe I'll make today. Thanks for the reminder, Lydia, and health and happiness to all for the New Year.
Done! Thanks, Lydia, for the reminder that not everyone has enough food to sustain them. Last night, as a way to close out the year, I went to No Kid Hungry to make a donation. The idea of children with bellies that hurt from hunger is so painful...
TW, Judy: Thanks so much for helping to spread the word. I'm truly grateful.
Great reminder. Thanks for this post! Happy New Year!
That's an easy New Year's resolution to help with, Lydia. Thank you for keeping this issue at the forefront of our minds!
Maria, Shirley: Thanks to you both for helping to spread the word. This is an issue on which we can all work together.
What a wonderful reminder for all of us as we start off the New Year. Thank you Lydia.
done. Thanks for all you do!
I'm glad you keep this resolution. Happy New Year.
Thanks for the video. It is never a child's fault that he/she is hungry.