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Market to Pantry #23: Aspen and Telluride farmers markets, Colorado


From Donna (Cooking+Praying), in McLean, Virginia:

The backdrop for both of these farmers markets is stunning -- the heights of Rocky Mountains. Both are open-air markets and both are open one day a week from June through October. And both markets focus on local food produced in Colorado -- fruits and vegetables, meats (including bison and elk), baked goods, cider, and fresh-cut flowers.


The Aspen market is larger and has a wider range of non-food artisan items, especially a lot of handmade jewelry. But at the Telluride market you can get a seated massage or buy locally produced alpaca wool and still find everything you need for a perfect Colorado meal.




And you can shop at the Telluride market on Friday and drive to Aspen in less than a day, in time for the Aspen market on Saturday.

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thanks for sharing your experience. When i saw the pics of the potatoes my mouth started watering.....i never imagined what a taste difference there would be between store bought and fresh out the ground potatoes. Now that I know I am doomed hahaha

I love the background scenery. I miss mountains. We're totally flat here in FL.

Beautiful farmer's market. Thanks for sharing it with us.

So many varieties of potatoes. Makes you think of Peru (me, anyway) where the potato species are endless -- and their cultivation at a high elevation site. Coloradans, some kinds of cooking may be difficult at your high elevations, but what fortunate tradeoffs!

I love the garlic picture! Folks don't realize there are actually different kinds of garlic!! you don't find that kind of selection in a regular grocery store!

Man those peaches look tasty. I love hittin up farmers markets!

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