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Market to Pantry #20: Pekanbaru Market, Sumatra, Indonesia


From Ben, in Alameda, California:

Pekanbaru is located in central Sumatra; it's closer to Singapore than to Jakarta. We went to the marketplace on a Friday night; it was very busy, and had very nice selection of fresh fruit and numerous different rices. 


One of the fruits, terong belanda (Fruit of Netherlands), I had never seen before, and it tasted wonderful. More sweet than sour, but not overly sweet. 


The second fruit picture (which looks like peeled garlic) was purchased on the side of the road. You squeeze the top, the peel breaks and the skin can easily be peeled back. The fruit had a hint of sweetness, and was very refreshing.



Some of the pictures that I took were blurry -- one of crackers in tins, a picture of ramen like foods (which was an entire aisle), an entire aisle of hot sauces and condiments, cooking oil in plastic bag containers, and one of canned drinks. The market was amazing.

On Saturdays, for more than three years, we've peeked into Other People's Pantries. There are four more pantries to share with you.

*I know that many of you love Other People's Pantries. I do, too. If you'd like this feature to continue, now's the time to send in your pantry photos, and ask your friends to share photos of their pantries. Here's how.

Market to Pantry alternates on Saturdays with Other People's Pantries. It's so much fun to visit markets all around the world. Today's is the last market I have to share. So, please show us your favorite supermarket, farmers' market, ethnic market, big box store or roadside stand. We'd love to see where you shop for food.  Here's how.

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thanks for sharing......its amazing how much tasty food is grown that us lokel yokels havent the faintest idea about!!!, but now if i ever see a terong belanda im going to try one :) thanks again

I think your fruit of the Netherlands is what we here in the interior of Minas Gerais, Brazil know as Tomate Suco or Juice Tomato. It is a member of the Solanaceae family and so cousin of the eggplant, tomato, etc. It makes delicious juice, which we serve at breakfast when in season, very unique and somehwere in between actual tomato and plum and apricot. Known also as Tree Tomato and Tomarillo...I have plans to use it in sherbet, a chutney for roast pork, and the base for a hollandaise to serve with steamed okra. Thanks for your pictures!

Love it!

Great photos! Sounds like an excellent adventure!

wowowowowow! That is a great peek into another world!! THANKS!

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