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Other People's Pantries #162

From Ximena (Lobstersquad), in Aberdeen, Scotland:

I have a tendency to overstock, but it comes in handy, since here in Scotland I either have to drive to a big well stocked supermarket or make do with the little one on the corner.


The first photo is a high cupboard, placed very inconveniently. I can reach the lower shelf, so that's where my breakfast staples are (and the 70% chocolate I take every day after lunch). The higher shelf is ok on tiptoe, but the high one needs a step, so it's just backup.


The others photos are of the pantry proper. That's a tall cupboard. The upper shelf is all grains and beans, both dried and canned. Just below I have my tins; tomatoes, sardines, golden syrup (if only for the looks) plus sauces and all my rices; basmati, long grain, short grain and pudding rice, plus bulgur and quinoa. The drawer is for spices. It smells wonderful when you open it.

And right below I have an array of sauce bottles, baking supplies in the drawer, dried fruit and my children's bowls and sippy cups. The chopsticks live at the back, together with my favourite bowls. I don't know why this is, I put them there when we moved in and there they are.


The lower shelf has more dried fruit in the box, pasta and noodles in the beer box (well, it's convenient, if not very pretty). Plain flour in the tall jar, oatmeal behind, and in the wooden box, all other flours (strong brown for bread, spelt, granary and rye. But some of those are impulse buys and I don't use them that much).

Lowest of all are the cooking wines, juice for the kids, emergency milk and a giant bottle of soy sauce.


The spice rack is inside the door of the pantry, and it doesn't shut properly because it bangs against the spice drawer, but I don't really mind. I keep an assortment of nuts there, instant dashi, konbu, miso soup. And below my staples; Marigold bouillon, pimentón, wild orégano from Spain, bay leaves, cumin, both whole and ground, sesame seeds, curry powder, black pepper and probably something else I'm forgetting.

My fridge is the size of a vanity case so I keep vegetables in a box on the garden steps, fruit in a bowl on the counter and eggs, too. Bread and tortillas live in a handsome vintage bread bin I bought on eBay.

No photos of the freezer, which counts as pantry because it's in a narrow utility room and I can't take a shot that makes any sense. But it's full of home made stock, dumplings from the Asian shop, good Scottish sausages and chocolate chip cookies. Good stuff, all of it.

[Note: Ximena was one of the first to share her pantry photos, in March 2008. Take a peek at her Madrid pantry in Other People's Pantries #5.]

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


I've been a visitor at Lobstersquad for a long time -- I think I found you here originally. It's always a pleasure to check in on you and your family, and now a privilege to peek in your pantry.

This is great, a 'normal' pantry. Not one that is all organised in nice neat rows! We live on the same island but there are so many products that I don't recognise on your shelves. Still I do have Wilkinson's jam factory just down the road. Thanks for showing us your pantry.

its nice to see a jar of marmite in a pantry!!!!!!! thanks for sharing

I think Nutella is a staple in everyone's pantry!

I think I'd like to have Ximena as a friend. I love her style and sense of humor. It would be fun to see the inside of people's fridges, too.

Bless your heart for now sharing two pantries! Both of your posts are so much fun to read! I'm thankful to all who are keeping this lovely series going... and double thankful to Ximena!

Hi everyone! Thanks, Lydia, this series is such fun.

What is Tick Tock? That jar has a wonderful label.

Very fun seeing Ximena's pantry in Scotland.

Did we see the "handsome vintage bread bin I bought on eBay?" I didn't - maybe I missed it? I would love to see that!
ps what is the "tick tock?'

I love the tin of Golden Syrup! We used to get it like that here in Canada but it's now in glass jars. I was really quite upset a couple of months ago when our grocery stores were all out of stock. I was worried that they had discontinued it entirely. What else would I put on my porridge?! Fortunately, it was just temporary and I now have a jar in my cupboards again (phew).

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