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Recipe for marinated roasted peppers {vegan, gluten-free}


You know me. I love going to the grocery store and ethnic markets to stock my pantry, but sometimes, there's nothing better than homemade pantry ingredients. I'm not suggesting you make your own mustard or Sriracha or pasta from scratch every time you want to use them in a recipe, but you can make all of those, and more. Although store-bought roasted red peppers have come a long way, they just don't compare to peppers roasted on the grill, or under the broiler, and seasoned to your taste with garlic, herbs, salt and pepper. So, while you're firing up the grill for weekend cooking, why not throw a few peppers around the edges? It takes just minutes to make your own marinated roasted peppers, and they'll keep for weeks in the refrigerator, ready to make instant antipasto, panini or pizza.


Marinated roasted peppers

From the pantry, you'll need: extra virgin olive oil, garlic, fresh thyme, black pepper.

Makes 1 quart of roasted peppers.


6 firm bell peppers, assorted colors
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled and left whole
A few sprigs of fresh thyme
A pinch of fresh black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil


Whether you roast peppers on the grill, under the broiler, or on top of your gas stove, the process is the same.

Heat your cooking surface on high. Place the peppers on the grill, six inches under the broiler, or directly on the gas burners. Cook, turning frequently, until the skin is blackened on all sides.

Place the peppers into a large mixing bowl, and immediately cover the bowl with plastic wrap. The peppers should steam for 15 minutes under the plastic; by that time, they'll be cool enough to handle, and the skins will come off with a light rub of your thumb. Open the peppers carefully -- they'll still be hot inside -- and pull out the stem and seeds.

Slice the peeled flesh and place the slices in a one-quart glass jar. Toss in the garlic cloves, thyme sprigs and black pepper. Cover the peppers with olive oil. Refrigerate for at least 24 hours, or up to a few weeks.

[Printer-friendly recipe.]

More recipes in The Perfect Pantry:
Penne with roasted red pepper pesto
Chickpeas with sausage and peppers
Fregula sarda with roasted and fresh peppers, feta and basil
Mushroom and asparagus paella
Goat cheese and olive stuffed peppers

Other recipes that use these pantry ingredients:
Roasted red pepper hummus, from Pinch My Salt
Beef and sausage meatloaf with roasted bell peppers, from Nook & Pantry
Pasta with roasted red pepper sauce, from The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Roasted red pepper dip with feta and mint, from Kalyn's Kitchen
Roasted red pepper, lentil and corn soup, from Albion Cooks

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


This looks so appealing to me. Is that mozzarella on the side? Looks so good.

Maris, this is brie, because it's what I had on hand, but any cheese would work. Add some olives, giant capers, a bit of salami, and you have one beautiful and super-easy antipasto platter.

Great recipe! I think I'm going to trying canning roasted peppers this summer.

This is a great recipe to have as we roll into fresh pepper season at the farm. I never know what to do with them all, so this is perfect.

My husband would love this! I might try it with the mini bell peppers. Those would look great tossed on the side of a plate as well.

I would love this for a summer lunch. I agree, roasting your own peppers really makes a difference in the flavor!

Julia, let me know how that works for you. I think, because peppers are available year-round, I probably won't can any, but I'd love to know how.

TW, the best part of making these is that it takes just a few minutes to put together, and once they're in the refrigerator, you can plan all sorts of lavish appetizers around them.

Barefeet, those mini bell peppers would be great. I used to find big bags of them at Costco.

Kalyn, the easiest summer lunch, ever. A few slices of cheese or rotisserie chicken, would be a perfect addition.

If I've got particularly sweet peppers, I really like using them for a red pepper puree sauce. If you're careful to peel all the black skin off, you'll get an amazingly vibrant and sweet red sauce.

Great method.

now THAT is a great suggestion!

Riyaad, that's a great idea.

Carol, get that grill fired up!

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