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Other People's Pantries #159

From Trish (3 Chefs Collective), in Providence, Rhode Island:

I've loved coming to this space and seeing everyone's organizing ideas. Plus it’s just plain fun to see what ingredients people are cooking with. So here’s ours.


We were so excited to have a walk-in pantry when we moved into this 231 year old house. And it has been fantastic -– a place to store food as well as equipment and an ever-growing collection of vases. Little did we know, though, that we would also be using some cupboard and drawer space in the kitchen proper. That’s just how things evolved.

In the main pantry, I appreciate the window -– it’s plenty light in there. Can you see the jar of homemade limoncello that is brewing on the top shelf? Todd (my husband, who's a chef) brings home plenty of raw ingredients to play with. There’s also wine storage behind the door. 


As for how it’s organized, the equipment, like the food processor, sous vide circulator, etc., is on the left, along with big containers of wine and vinegars. On the right are dry and canned goods.



There’s a selection of Asian noodles and wrappers on the next to bottom shelf along with a gargantuan tub of jasmine rice.


It’s a little of this, a little of that, and we like it that way.

On Saturdays, for more than three years, we've been peeking into Other People's Pantries all around the world.

*There's only one more pantry to share. If you'd like this feature to continue -- if you've been meaning to send your photos but haven't gotten around to it -- please send in your pantry photos. Here's how.

Market to Pantry alternates on Saturdays with Other People's Pantries.

*There is just one more market to share. Show us your favorite supermarket, farmers' market, ethnic market, big box store or roadside stand. We'd love to see where you shop for food.  Here's how.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


Great pantry and I love that you have a sous vide. One of my friends recently bought one and she adores it. I'd be jealous if I had space to store it or the know-how to use it!

Really a terrific pantry. Wonderful floor!

::sigh:: I live in a VERY tiny loft w/ little or no storage space, so I rely on these Pantry posts so that I may dream. Hope more people contribute. (I don't think folks would be interested in my current plastic bins method or I'd submit photos.)

First thing I noticed was the window! Wow!

Thanks for sharing.....all very nice. The window is great....lots of light! On subject, does the light affect anything you keep in there? I've read some things need dark cool places :)

I would love to see more pics of your house. Wow...231 years old!

I like the pretty wooden shelves, and the window, and how nicely everything is organized, but your floor, oh my gosh, what a beautiful old floor!

Limoncello I love it. When life gives you lemons, introduce them to their friends from the Amalfi Coast.

What a wonderful pantry -- Love the series. I've been dealing with a small pantry space in a stairwell - which becomes a serious balance act straddling the steps when retrieving less used items.

Am working on creating a storage area in the basement for an additional pantry to stock up on items.

Seeing how others have organized and built their pantries give great ideas! Thanks!

Marvelously organized!

Hmmmm. Is that a trap door in the floor? ;)

What a wonderful-looking walk-in pantry!

It's great to see a chef's pantry. And I love that you're not too proud to show your complete pancake and waffle mix!

I love seeing the jars of beans and grains lined up neatly in rows and the tidy stacks of colorful tins. Plus, the natural light...! Thanks for sharing your pantry.

Hi folks, and thanks for the comments. @mykitcheninhalfcups, I think you might be surprised at how many people are interested in how you keep your supplies in a teensy space. You should send in your pantry pics! We loved the galley kitchen in our previous house. We love our old wide-plank floor, too. That IS a trapdoor and it leads to a crawlspace where, if I were more industrious, I might store root vegetables. @maris(ingoodtaste) we haven't had any issues with the light making our food deteriorate; but then again, we go through it all pretty quickly @paz - never too proud to show how we really live! Our 6 year old loves pancakes and I haven't taken the time to make them from scratch. I just throw some trader joe's pumpkin pie spice in the batter and call it a day.

Hello - doing some catch up readings and just wanted to say...Prepare for a roommate, I am on my way!! Just kidding but seriously I wouldn't leave that pantry if it was mine - just need a comfy chair by the window to peruse my cookbooks....

Carol - or you could look through ours, if you like. Todd has collected 127 at last count.

A window in the pantry -so jealous! A gorgeous pantry, indeed.

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