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Market to Pantry #7: Dean & DeLuca, Washington DC


From Deena, in Washington DC:

I moved to Washington, DC a few months ago in order to seek my fortune. I've been having fun exploring the city on foot, checking out new-to-me places and seeing what's around. I was lucky enough to arrive while the farmer's markets were still open, but now many of them have closed for the season. Time to check out the indoor and year-round markets! The Georgetown neighborhood is not far from where I live and is home to lots of fun shops, including Dean & DeLuca, a gourmet food market. I've promised myself some fancy chocolates from there once my first paycheck arrives... should be soon!





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if i had a store like that close by i would have my pay cheque deposited straight into their bank account! How lucky(?) you are. thanks for sharing

What a fun read and great pics, too! Thank you for sharing! I hope you find your fortune!!!

What a great pantry! You can come out of there with an empty wallet everytime you go in... DC is a pretty neat place for places like this.

Ahhh Dean and Deluca!! I don't even look at the catalog because I can't control myself - I would never be able to contain myself at the actual market!
Lucky you!

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