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Other People's Pantries #118

From Kim, in Houston, Texas:

I just found your blog and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Other People's Pantries section. I love my pantry as it has a lot of space. I am able to store all of our non perishable food, glassware and small kitchen appliances.


I love the basket on the door and use it to hold my enveloped seasonings.


This picture shows how crazy organized I try to be. I have a baking shelf, a side items shelf and a spice shelf.


In this picture, you can see my canned items, sauces/condiments, the beginnings of our cereal obsession and my crock pots (which I adore!).


Here you can see how much we really like cereal... but I did get a great deal on all of them, I promise! I also have the oatmeal and snacky items beneath the cereal. Above, I have some paper bags that can be used as lunch bags and a place for my coupons. You can also see another basket organizer on the wall in this picture as well. This is where I keep my foil, parchment paper etc..

On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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a pantry is a pantry with rotel in it; yours is just a very nice big and organized one :)

I love it. I would love to have a closet that I could walk into. Thank you for sharing.

What an excellent pantry you have! :)

Well done! Thanks for sharing.

Wow! I love the size of it! Very organized, and the pink gum ball machines are adorable! :)

I love RoTel and am happy you do too. The light on the slanted ceiling works well, it seems.

I even love the fancy door handle

Thank you. Yes, we do love Ro-tel. It seems to be very versatile. And, what pantry wouldn't be complete without pink gumball machines? LOL The light on the slanted wall works very well as I am not tall enough to bump my head on it. Thanks for letting me share.

I love the pantry. I just finally moved into a place where i can have a walk in pantry now .well as soon as I get the bikes out of there


Such a neat pantry I just love it
And no pantry is complete without RoTel

I love your pantry! It's so well organized and so big! Love it! :)

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