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Extra virgin olive oil (Recipe: thyme roasted new potatoes) {vegan, gluten-free}

Thyme roasted potatoes, crispy on the outside, creamy inside.

In our small Rhode Island town, we have no municipal trash pick-up. Instead, everyone drives to the transfer station -- we call it the dump, but it's really just a collection point -- where we deposit our trash, sort our recyclables, and say farewell to broken appliances and rubber tires.

There's a separate bin for used motor oil, and when we bring used cooking oil (the peanut or canola oil I use for occasional frying) it goes into that same bin.

Extra virgin olive oil is a drop-at-a-time oil, an oil that has flavor, an oil so good you can sip it. In other words, it's delicate.

I'd never bring it to the dump. It would feel completely out of place.

What is extra virgin olive oil?
Oil from the first pressing of the fruit of the olive tree, using solely mechanical or other physical means in conditions that do not alter the oil in any way. EVOO has not undergone any treatment other than washing, decanting, centrifuging and filtering, and must have less than 1% acidity.

How/where to store:
In a cool, dark part of the pantry, for up to two years; or, in an opaque pouring container (to block the light), away from the heat of the stove.

More facts about extra virgin olive oil, and ingredient photos, on The Perfect Pantry:
Extra virgin olive oil (Recipe: aioli with steamed asparagus)

Thyme roasted potatoes 

Thyme roasted new potatoes

More a method than a recipe, this is my favorite way to cook potatoes. The secret is not to move them, shake them, or turn them more than once during the cooking. Serves 8.


3 lbs small red-skinned or Yukon Gold potatoes
Extra virgin olive oil, approximately 1/4 cup
2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp fresh black pepper
2 tsp fresh thyme leaves


Preheat oven to 425°F.

Dry-brush the potatoes or rub them in a clean dish towel to remove any surface dirt. Use a paring knife to cut away any blemishes. Cut the potatoes into 4-6 bite-size chunks, and spread out on a rimmed baking sheet.

Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, and sprinkle with salt, pepper and thyme. With your hands, toss the potatoes to coat with the oil and spices, and spread in a single layer on the baking sheet.

Roast for 30 minutes. Toss quickly with a spatula, and cook for an additional 10-15 minutes. Serve hot.

More recipes with extra virgin olive oil:
Fennel, pear and olive salad, from The Perfect Pantry
Roast halibut with orange-caper caponata, from The Perfect Pantry
Olive oil almond cake, from Sassy Radish
Carpaccio of raw zucchini, from Sidewalk Shoes

Thyme roasted new potatoes are the perfect side dish for roast chicken or steaks. #vegan #glutenfree

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mmm. that's exactly how I roast potatoes too! Though, I've been known to throw a few whole garlic cloves on top.

I've always wondered...my roast potatoes are often mush. Now I know!

That is how I fixed Baby Butter Potatoes last week. They were delicious. It was my first experience with them. I am going to try making potato salad friday after baking them. I think the roasty taste will be interesting in an old southern classic.

Thanks for all the information Lydia. I have been hooked on olive oil cakes lately so have been doing a little research myself:D

Hmm, the recipe is called "THYME ROASTED NEW POTATOES" but in the ingredients, there is no mentioning of "new" potatoes.
I am trying since a long time to find "new potatoes" - a delicacy in many countries - in US grocery stores. Somehow, the new potato is not really cherished in the US. So, out of desperation, we now ordered seed potatoes and we'll just grow our own in our tiny suburban back yard. I can already hear my family laugh that I would grow something so common and cheap myself.

now this is how I like to cook with oil!! (not so brave with the frying but I will try it now - but of course not with olive!)
I also love the simplicity of olive oil, S&P drizzled on warm cooked pasta.

Thyme roasted potatoes sound divine. I've gotten so into the habit of roasting our potatoes with a little EVOO, salt, garlic & rosemary, that I've forgotten all about the thyme!

Hah! I lived in Barrington as a child and while I believe we had municipal trash pick up, we did not have it for recycling. I have fond memories of chucking our recyclables over a ledge into these giant truck sized bins, it was a lot of fun for an 8 year old.

As for roasted potatoes, I prefer rosemary to thyme. Fresh rosemary and some heads of garlic are excellent.

hopefully dried thyme works just as well. Cant wait for dinner tonight!!! many thanks

Sounds so simple yet so good! Why aren't you supposed to shake them? It's amazing how these little things can make such a difference!

Julia, garlic would be a delicious addition.

Mary, Maris: letting the potatoes remain in contact with the hot pan is what crisps the outside and caramelizes the natural sugars in the potatoes.

Barb, I always make extras for potato salad, too. You'll love the roasted potatoes in salad.

Valli, would you believe I've never made an olive oil cake? I'll have to try it.

Susanne, red-skinned potatoes (which is what I use for this, though Yukon Golds would be great, too) are called "new" potatoes. Confusing, isn't it? I hope you can find some in your market, but your own home-grown will always be best.

Carol, it doesn't take much oil to make these potatoes delicious -- not at all like frying!

Sandie, rosemary doesn't overwinter here, but thyme does, so I have more thyme than anything in the garden.

Jess, our grandkids like coming to the dump, too, even though ours is not the kind of dump where you can also find great things to bring home. I'm not a rosemary lover, but it would be delicious in this recipe.

Milton, dried thyme will work too!

These were deeeeeeeelicious. For sure the thyme played a part but my oven roasted potatoes have never tasted so good. maybe the 1/4 cup of oil compared to the usual tablespoon or so? Anyhoo, thanks again for sharing

I can never get oven baked potatoes right - I think it has always been because I've roasted at a lower temperature. Thanks for the recipe... yours looks delicious

Oooh... my hubby will love these!

I never tire of these. Would love some right now with fried eggs. Thyme's a nice touch.

Sounds great! Will make these for dinner tonight.

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