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Other People's Pantries #116

From Risa (Sweet Oven Lovin'), in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina:

To start, my top shelf is dedicated to cereal. I'm a bit of a cereal freak... no kidding, I could eat it morning noon and night and be a happy gal -- if only Hubby were so open minded.


The second shelf usually holds various boxed staples, such as barley, tea, tortillas, syrup, etc. I say usually because... well things tend to get a bit shuffled when you ignore your household organizational duties. Eh, it happens. (see how I have to hide the chocolate in the pantry, out of sight out of mind folks).


The bottom shelf is for canned goods and small stockpiles. For example, I have enough Kraft BBQ sauce to last me until next summer -- no kidding. Mayo, tomato paste, flour -- nothing fancy. And on the floor I keep overflow items and my re-usable grocery bags. In the back left corner I have my stash of dishwasher tabs to assure my hands stay soap-free for at least another year, ahhh the simple things!


Now next to my stove I have everything that I use on a regular basis. Bottom shelf is savory spices, salt and sugar (hey, how'd those kisses get there?!). The middle shelf I keep baking spices, chocolate chips, sprinkles, cupcakes cups... you know, all the fun stuff. And the top shelf holds the pasta maker I used once, ok maybe twice, and the flour and bulk spices.

On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


thanks for sharing...if I ever need a spoon of sugar I know who to ask haha

Glad I'm not the only one not making regular use of the pasta maker! As for your love of cereal, have you been to that place whose name I forget which is a ceral bar and you can get all sorts of toppings and milk? It's supposed to be wildly successful.

Looks like home to me, thanks for sharing.

Seinfeld's cupboard (on the show anyway...) was chockful of cereals...the ones I like are SO expensive! Yep - it is homey alright!! Thanks for letting us peek in!

Many of the pantrys we see make me envious, yours makes me smile.

It is a very simple, non-envy type pantry LOL! I haven't heard of that cereal bar...hmmm sounds like I may have to plan a trip! Thanks for all your comments, this was fun for me.

Another cereal freak! I have cereal for snacks when others are having cookies, or things like that.
As for your pantry, love it. It looks so real and makes me think that - with just a leetle more organisation - I could do this ;-)

Glad to know I'm not the only Kraft BBQ sauce fan! I may have a few bottles of local and fancy sauces from time to time, but my go-to choice is Kraft. Love the Murrells Inlet area - I'm in Burlington in NC.

Yep - I recognize that pantry! Made me smile too!

If we lined up all the once/twice used pasta makers, we would have enough scrap metal for an airplane!. I was told once you used it for polymer clay you couldn't use it for food. I say, let's all buy some polymer clay! P.S. Kisses in the cupboard are just for the cook!

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