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Other People's Pantries #89

From Carol, in Lynn, Massachusetts:

By all standards this doesn't really count as a pantry! My kitchen is extremely small and cozy and so I have three kitchen cabinets dedicated to pantry, spice and dry food items.

Not being much of a baker helps cut down on the amount of stuff I keep. Nobody will give me an award for the most organized, but I figure since others were brave enough to show their pantries, why not me!

The upper corner cabinet is almost exclusively dedicated to spices and condiments. Wherever I go I am apt to bring home some local jam, pickle or other such specialty as an edible souvenir.


The lower cabinet is more like true pantry items where I keep canned items, box pasta etc. And large mason jars of rice flour and arrowroot. The lower cabinet is neater than it looks. The photo angle doesn't do it justice.


The upper cabinet is for oatmeal packs (basket) and cereal and limited baking supplies, sugar, etc.


My dream kitchen in my future dream house has a vast pantry with an extra freezer in it. It is a nice dream!

On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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Your pantry space looks very familiar. I feel right at home in a kitchen like yours (and mine). Thanks for sharing, Carol.

Mmmm, pickled garlic! A happy pantry is what makes a home, your pantry looks very happy.

You must be young, if I kept my foil and other essential wrapping stuff in a lower cabinet I'd never use it. My foil, waxed paper, plastic bags are in a drawer, but I'm old. I think you've done an outstanding job organizing a small space.

thanks for sharing. is there a big difference between the green and red tabasco sauces?

I love the toothpicks in a clean flower pot. Great idea!

Great looking Pantry. great job with the organizing bit. not easy to keep it like this all the time. why don't you share this with the bizymoms Lynn community, i am sure they will love to see this

So tidy! I don't have a pantry, but multiple cupboards too. I love some of your organizing techniques. Thanks for sharing!

I want an extra freezer too.

Yep your pantry pretty much looks like mine, BTW, love the arborio mushroom dish below yum!

Great pantry Carol, I had to comment because I'm originally from Lynn. You've organized a small space very well. Ginger Snaps, PBooty...from CT Shops? I always loved looking for different items in the food aisles. Nothing like that in Georgia :( Although I'm happy to say TJ's is close by :)
Melynda, I keep my baggies & wrapping stuff in a draw too!!

My pantry isn't usually this organized, though my sister was just visiting me from Oregon and she took everything out and helped me get things in order. It feels so much better!

Your pantry has almost the same canned stuff mine has.Your pantry is well organized than mine.I have the same dream as yours too.

You all have such nice comments – THANKS!
And thanks Lydia for making such a great, unique blog!

AZ- those foils/wraps are just the back-stock I do have the primary in a drawer. (However I like to think of myself as “young-at-heart:)”

Milton – the green Tabasco is milder and slightly thicker.

Mommy Jane – I will check to see if Lynn has a local blogger – good idea.

Betty – everywhere I go I run into fellow “Lynn-ers” – I love that!

Everything looks pretty organized to me. Those tall thin cabinets without shelves are a challenge. I have one as well, and we keep chips in it also.

Maxi pantry - mini pantry is still a pantry by any other name.
I think you did a great job with the space you have.
Just as a suggestion have you ever thought about a chest freezer? You can get them pretty small and years ago I put a wooden top on top of my very small chest freezer so it could do double duty in small spaces.

Chiot's Run - Vertical space is a challenge. Lately I am on the look out for just the right shelving unit to better use the space.

Kim - Chest freezer is a good idea. The kitchen is too small to handle one but I am considering one in a corner of our finished basement.

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