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Other People's Pantries #78

From Dawn, in Tucson, Arizona:

I just discovered your post and thought I'd share my pantry. Certainly an eyesore for most, but I'm the one who lives with it, and so...it works great for me!

I love to have chocolate, and so I have a whole area of chocolate chips, chocolate bars, cocoas, sprinkles. However it wasn't easy to photograph in its natural state.  I'm a home baker, so these are the things I use all the time to make dinners happen!


On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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any one with lindt in the house gets a two thumbs up from me

it looks like home to me, I love your chocolate shelf

I love my Saturday pantries!

I love Saturday pantries too!

I love all the King Arthur Flour products on the bottom!

I love this, and I share that tendency to keep many forms of chocolate on hand. A necessity in any pantry I believe.

Love how your pantry is neatly packed.


I too have a pathic amount of chocolates..and I feel warm and fuzzy about that

I also store my toaster off the counter when not in use!
(I also the noted the reserve mac-n-cheese that everyone has!)

Excellent chocolate choices. I love Guittard chocolate!

Betty you have a good eye. I have mail ordered from King Arthur Catalog for about 4 years, and couldn't be more pleased with the results from their flours, thickeners and cocoas! Since I enjoy baking, it is hard to decide what to buy, because everything isn't an option. I feel so lucky to be in a position to have on my shelf so much that make baking such a joy.

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