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Other People's Pantries #77

From Hillary (Chew On That), in Deerfield, Illinois:

My pantry is made up of a conglomeration of ingredients from my parents and me. 

My mom likes to keep it stocked with boxes of pasta and pre-made pasta sauce, lots of tea, oils and box mixes. She also has a lot of staple ingredients like flour, sugar and the like. I like to add various things that I'm personally cooking with like risotto rice, orzo, my own tea collections and more. Good thing there is room for both of us!


Our pantry looks extremely disorganized at first but if you give it a second look, it actually does have some rhyme and reason!

On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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nice looking pantry. thanks for sharing

Love this.

It's fun to look at other people's pantries and try to imagine what they would make with what I can see. The tea and baking products on the same shelf make me want to have a cup of tea and a cookie or scone. I think I'll go do that now!

Well I think for having to share you and your mom are doing pretty good. Frankly I can't imagine sharing my panry with anyone.

Your pantry looks like a dream to me. Full of great ingredients to bake/cook with.

Good categories!
I never judge anyone's pantry. You should see mine. Yours is neat- believe me.
More importantly - it is accessible! I need a flashlight at times to get to mine!

Thanks again for posting my pantry Lydia! :)

I do like the open view of everything. Just looking at this makes me want pasta tonight!

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