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Other People's Pantries #51

From Joan (Foodalogue), in Boynton Beach, Florida:

I don’t stockpile as much as other food lovers do. Yes, on spices, condiments, oils, vinegars, and a few dry staples like pasta, nuts, dried fruits. My refrigerator is almost never crammed except during the holidays, or when I’m entertaining. Anyway, here’s a peek:


Pantry, from the top down: cereals and breakfast products, bread crumbs, oil(s), coffee & filters; 2nd shelf: crackers, snack bars, assortment of nuts, peanut butter/jelly, honey; 3rd shelf: dried fruit, canned/jarred goods, boxes of chicken broth (I use it a lot).


Pantry, bottom half: assortment of vinegars, rice/couscous/stuffing bin, assorted pasta bin; next shelf where it starts to get messy is plastic containers, iced tea assortment, and wraps. Floor is for storage of water and, currently, Tequiza beer.


Another important corner in the kitchen is my storage cart (cookbooks in top basket/serving trays in bottom) and, most importantly, my wine storage on top!


On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

*Other People's Pantries will be ending soon to make way for a new Saturday feature. However, we'll keep peeking in pantries as long as you keep sending your pantry photos. So, please send your photos as soon as possible.

Here's how.


Disclosure: The Perfect Pantry earns a few pennies on purchases made through the Amazon.com links in this post. Thank you for supporting this site when you start your shopping here.


Joan, you look pretty well-stocked to me! It's interesting to see the Florida slant to your cupboards.
Lydia, thanks for doing the pantry peeks this past year; I've really enjoyed them. Can't wait to see what you're up to next!

Love that the pantries just keep coming!
Always fun to see how many things I recognize and what I don't. This looks well-stocked to me.

It does indeed look well stocked!
Such different products than what I find here in Ontario.. that's what I love about the Pantry Peek!

Your pantry looks just like mine. I have a closet pantry. You seem like you have all the bases covered.

I have the same chicken broth!

After the refrigerator comment, I was looking for the picture. I know mine is disastrously jammed (and a 2nd one in the garage). We recently stayed with people whose refrigerator was near empty (by my standards) and she apologized for the 'mess!' So Lydia, how about it: refrigerators? Joan, thanks for letting us in -- a nice mix in there.

It is fun to peek, isn't it? I'd been peeking so long, I figured it was time to open the shades on mine! Looking forward to Lydia's next project.

Love the pantry, but let's not forget that "wine storage on top"---it was my favorite part!

What a lovely pantry. I thought I recognized the aqua container holding other items, is it a Tupperware celery keeper? I've got one around here somewhere. They worked great with celery, but I don't have room in the fridge. Mine has to be pretty old.

Love your pantry and organization. Thanks for sharing.


Very nice pictures. I really enjoyed a lot. Thanks to Lydia.

Thank you

I always love looking into others' pantries. I am such a "lookie Loo" It interests me what other people's choices are. Now I am more interested in how they are organized. Boy oh boy, do I need help!
Thank you for these posts, they are so fascinating.
I am glad that I have stumbled on to this blog, I check in ever morning.



I always get annoyed when my sister comes over and looks into all my cabinets and pantry, but I guess I'm doing the same thing via your blog ;o) ! I’m an empty refrigerator person, I can buy $100 worth of groceries, but when ever thing is put away my fridge is still empty, my sister-in-law’s fridge is packed to the rafters, but she still has to run to the store for that one missing ingredient.

If this is #51, can i view the other pantries. I just found this site.
Thanks, nice ideas.

I love this site. I love seeing how different people organize their homes, especially since mine is barely organized. I keep hearing that custom closets companies do other areas as well, such as garages and pantries. Have you guys ever stumbled across a custom made pantry?

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