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Marshmallow Fluff (Recipe: Rhode Island hot chocolate, with faux fluff)


Despite having close to 250 items in The Perfect Pantry, I can think of dozens of ingredients that might be in your pantry but are not in mine.

Almond extract. Anchovies. Bacon. Wild rice. Fennel pollen. Marshmallow Fluff®.

I know... you think Fluff is not an ingredient. But here in New England, it is.

Without Fluff, there would be no Fluffernutters or Whoopie Pies, two of our regional claims to fame.


It is, however, a taste of childhood, and for this final post of 2008, that's just perfect.

Rhode Island hot chocolate, with faux fluff

Every so often, my friend Bob sends me a fun challenge, an email with a list of ingredients and instructions. The subject line is always the same: "What am I?" This was the latest, adapted from Recipezaar. The hot chocolate is my own, though what you see in the photo is actually a packet of Sugar-Free Swiss Miss (quite tasty). Substitute your own favorite hot chocolate mixture, and add some coffee syrup to give it that Rhode Island flavor.


For the fluff:
3 Tbsp egg whites
1 cup light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup confectioners sugar
1-1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract


In a large bowl, combine egg whites, corn syrup and salt; beat with mixer on high speed for 10 minutes or until thick. Add the confectioners sugar; beat on low speed until blended. Beat in vanilla until blended. Can be frozen for later use, or refrigerated for up to 1 week; stir well before using.

For the hot chocolate:
2 cups milk (whole, low-fat, or skim)
1 Tbsp Hershey's chocolate syrup, or more to taste
1/2 tsp Autocrat coffee syrup

In a large glass measuring cup, combine all ingredients, and whisk together until thoroughly combined. Heat in a microwave for 1-1/2 minutes on high power. If not hot enough, continue to heat, 15 seconds at a time, until desired temperature is reached. Or, place all ingredients in a small saucepan, and heat over low heat on the stovetop until hot but not starting to boil. Pour into mugs, and add a dollop of fluff. Makes 2 cups.

[Printer-friendly recipe.]

More recipes in The Perfect Pantry:

Mexican chocolate pots de creme

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I've heard about the fluff and always wanted some! Sounds delish. And fennel pollen....really?

I never thought to use Marshmallow Fluff in hot chocolate, so thanks for the Faux Fluff recipe! I look forward to the new (to me) ingredients that I'll learn about from you next year! Have a Happy New Year!

Ahhhh Fluff! Made in LYNN MA - The town I reside in - my neighbor told me he actually worked there off and on when he was younger (clean factory he says...I asked ;-)
I don't think it is the worst food for you - low in fat! but certainly-probably not the best...don't forget that fluff is also used to make the beloved rice krispie treats!
(oh and it comes in flavors like strawberry - yum!)

My sister brought some mini-whoopie pies to Christmas dinner and I could not keep my hands off them! I'm saving the faux fluff recipe too.

You know, I am a Fluff Freak? Peanut Butter and Fluff is my guilty pleasure. I eat it about three times a week (at least), when I'm not enjoying Pear Almond Tarts or Chicken Provence, of course. And now, to learn I can make it myself!!! You've absolutely made my year! Happy New Year, Lydia!

Fluff rules....we just introduced it to our grandchildren who happily wore fluff smiles while inhaling their fluffernutter sandwiches.

I love Fluff...usually mix it with cream cheese to make a fruit dip.

Seriously! I loved Fluff as a kid. Out here on the left coast, people don't even know what it is. I shake my head in wonder that they've been so deprived. Poor, poor kids.

I used to have this around as well. But in my efforts to green up and clean up my pantry it is gone. We try to only have natural ingredients that aren't processed into something besides their natural form. So no more fluff for us.

I'll go for some raw milk cream whipped cream on my hot cocoa though.

Lydia, that hot cocoa looks to die for! I love eating fluff with peanut butter in a sandwich or using it to make rice krispies! Mmmm. Happy New Year!

I've never heard of Fluff before. Thanks for the recipe. I think we're going to have some hot chocolate tonight ;-)

Noble Pig, what can I say? Fennel pollen passes through the pantry from time to time, but I'm just not crazy about it. Fluff is something you must try, at least once!

Kathy, my friend Bob was the first to suggest Fluff in hot chocolate, and it turned out to be a great idea. Happy new year to you, too.

Carol, you're right, Rice Krispie treats should be on the list, though the other two are still more popular in New England than anywhere else, I believe. Nice to think that generations of Lynn folk have worked at the Fluff plant.

Mary, I think minis are the way to go. Full-size whoopies are too big for me.

TW, I'm shocked! And giggling!

Cindy, isn't it fun to watch the grandkids with Fluff all over their faces and fingers? It really brings out the kid in everyone.

Food Hunter, sounds like you've found a grown-up use for Fluff!

Sean, that's a tragic tale, indeed. Those California folks do not know what they're missing.

Susy, when it comes to hot cocoa, I think anything goes.

Hillary, seems like you're in the company of Fluff lovers here. Have a happy new year!

Nate, Fluff is definitely an East Coast invention, but it seems like something that might find an audience in Hawaii. If you can't find it in your market, let me know and I'll send some -- the official kind, not this homemade version.

I had to check this out as soon as I saw Rhode Island! Cranston girl here!! love the recipe! glad I found your blog!

We made peppermint marshmallow frosting for a cake and we are going to use the leftovers for hot chocolate- yum!

That is some nice looking hot chocolate!

Have a great new year!

Hi Lydia,
Love your posts. They are so informative. But Fluff and peanut butter! Most definitely an east coast thing. Here in the midwest (Ohio) we use marshmallow creme to make Rice Krispie Treats and fudge.
I checked out the Fluff website and watched the jingle. Now I will have to check to see if my local stores carry "Fluff".
Have a Great New Year!

Not a marshmallow fluff fan but I have an ongoing love affair with chocolate - and love that photo!

Oh I love the idea of adding fluff to the cocoa. I have a marshmallow cookbook that someone gave me awhile back and it had a bunch of recipes for marshmallow fluff. Now you've got me thinking.

Allison, we're practically neighbors!

N, that sounds divine.

Kevin, happy new year to you, too. Hope you will be somewhere that's not about to get hammered with snow, which seems to be our fate here in Rhode Island today.

Helen, yes, Fluffernutters are an East Coast thing. Not one of our more elegant food traditions, but one every child loves. Have a wonderful New Year.

Maris, same here. I was never a huge fluff fan, even as a child. But hot chocolate remains my ultimate comfort drink.

Peabody, it's a bit indulgent, fluff and cocoa, but why shouldn't we indulge every now and then? A whole cookbook about marshmallows? I can't imagine it!

I never would have thought to make my own marshmallow fluff (not that I keep the real stuff in my pantry either), but you never know when a genuine need might arise so this recipe is a good one to have in the archives.

Did you know that Elvis Presley's favorite sandwich was rumored to be of the peanut butter, marshmallow fluff & banana variety? I tried one once, at one of those era-style diners. It was thick, sweet, creamy and sloppy---a few bites was all I could handle, but it was an interesting trip into celebrity culinary trivia & taste-testing nonetheless.

Raising my cup of hot chocolate in a toast to 2009! Happy New Year, Lydia (and Perfect Pantry readers)!

Fluff gosh I do remember that as a kid ;)
Love your idea here.
Happy New Year Lydia!

Sandie, I did know that about Elvis -- definitely wasn't great for his waistline! Happy new year to you. May 2009 bring many hot chocolates your way.

MyKitchen, wishing you many sweet things for the new year.


We don't have "fluff" in Texas, but we have Marshmallow Creme. I think it's the same. I've taken to putting it on a honey butter Ritz cracker and topping with a strawberry slice (strawberry slice optional!). :)

Ah I remember the days of fluff. You definitely don't run into it quite so much down here in FL--all the more reason for me to come up to beautiful RI! This looks like just the thing to keep warm with in all the wintery weather I'm sure you've been experiencing the past few days/weeks. Hope you have a happy new year!

I can't get fluff in Utah and I LOVE it!! I usually stock up when I visit family in New York but now I will make my own. Plan on trying this tomorrow.

PS to any confused readers . . . Marshmallow Cream is NOT the same as Fluff! Marshmallow cream is a poor poor substitute.

Bridget, I've never had marshmallow creme, but see below -- seems it's not the same thing. I do like your snack idea!

Mike, yes, Fluff is a definite "plus" for the East Coast, if you're looking for more reasons to move up north.

Alishajoy, there's no substitute for the real thing, but this was pretty darned close. If it doesn't do it for you, email to me and I'll send you a jar of Fluff.

I grew up on Marshmallow Fluff and I love it.

Here's the Fluffernutter song for those who may have forgotten it:
Oh, first you spread, spread, spread your bread with peanut butter.
Add Marshmallow Fluff and have a Fluffernutter.
Then you enjoy, joy, joy your Fluff and peanut butter.
You're glad you have enough for another Fluffernutter!

Trader Joe's "Fluff" is good, too, but not as good as the original.

Thanks for the recipe, Lydia. I am going to give it a go.

Sue, I'd quite forgotten the song -- thank you so much for remembering the words! And I didn't even know that TJ's sells its own version of fluff, but now that we have one in Rhode Island, I'll look for it.

ugh, I kind of hate marshmallow fluff, but... that does look tasty!

Living in Maine we have this all the time and not only do the kids love it but us adults do too~!

I LOVE Marshmellow Flulff right out of the jar on a spoon. YUM!

Oh Man Lydia!
Thanks for making me drool! I grew up here and moved away for 22 years. Now I'm back, but I never knew the whole story behind Fluff. Maybe that's why my kids and I loved it so much. It was bred into us!

Now I'm gonna have to go make some. Thanks a lot for the calories...I mean memories!

Fluff is one of life's little pleasures....marshmallow Creme is NOT Fluff!!!!I live in Hawaii and can't find it here... ex- New Englander here and i can't say i miss the white stuff(snow) but i'd kill for a few jars of the other white Stuff i grew up with.....would kill to get some sent here..

Ah, Fluff! It's almost always in my kitchen. I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, but I DO eat Fluff regularly and I'm a happier person for it!

For those of you who think marshmellow creme is the same -- no no no!

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