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Other People's Pantries #42

From Cora (Cora Cooks), in Southern Illinois:

When I was growing up, there was really no such thing as a pantry in our house. My mother went to the grocery store every day and kept little food on hand. You see, I had five younger brothers -– no sisters -- and no matter how much food my mother brought in from the grocery store every afternoon, it would all be gone by the next day. 


My dad would always say something like, “Why don’t you buy things by the case, so you don’t have to go to the store every day?” She knew that even if she went to the store to stock up for a week, those boys would have just eaten all the food in one day anyway. And she might have gone berserk -– the grocery store was her refuge.

When I got my own home -– along with a husband who frequently left an annoying bite or two of food on his plate, claiming to be too full to finish it -– I was in a quandary. I only knew how to shop and cook for a family of eight! Food began to stack up in my apartment-size cupboards.

Years of living wherever the Air Force sent us also introduced me to many wonderful local and regional food  specialties, to which I became quite attached. I began to collect these new ingredients to take with me when a move was imminent. And anywhere I traveled, I would make it a point to go to a grocery store to see what was peculiar to that area.

Now that we have moved back to my hometown and I have the kitchen of my dreams, I have more than enough space for storing pantry items, especially for just the two of us, and we live about five minutes from some really great markets. But, as you can see, I still like to keep my pantry well-stocked.





On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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*bows and chants* not worthy! not worthy! :D that is a DREAM pantry :D

Wow of a pantry now I'd love to see the kitchen!! Moving around is really terrific for finding new foods isn't it. I love that about travel but the Air Force can do it too!

*applauses* to Cora Cooks !!! a very impressive pantry! i love her wide variety of intersting items. and she is so very organized, something i aspire to be one day soon. will check out her blog and see what's cooking!

I especially love the story of your mom's cooking style. Wonderful pictures, too. Thanks.

LOL! I come from a large family, too, and know all about brothers eating everything. You DO have a well-stocked pantry. I think it's great. ;-)


I love your spice cabinet! Your fully stocked and prepared to cook anything and everything, love it.

I am the same way, overstocked at all times...but ces't la vie. Thanks for the story.

That is a well stocked pantry! I love it. I'm famine phobic so I like to be surrounded by lots of extra food just in case.

Wow. I bet you never have to run to the store for a missing item. Beautiful pantry and I really love your spice drawer.

I have to know what the Cholula powder is in the shot of the spices. Cholula is my all time favorite hot sauce, and I've never seen anything powdered from them, and it's not listed on their website.

I'm with you, Cora. I like to keep my pantry well-stocked too (comes from years of living in the country prior to moving to the big city). Thanks for sharing your story, as well as your pantry!

I want to live where you live!
Great pantry, large kitchen, 5 minutes to great markets - a foodie's dream!
Simply wonderful. :)

This pantry totally reminds me of my parent's. They even have "his" and "hers" spice racks. And cookbook shelves. For now, I can only dream of having this much space.

Wow! Thank you everyone. I'm overwhelmed by all of you who understand pantry-holics like me.

TheTriniGourmet - Sometimes you can see shots of my kitchen in the pictures on my blog. We were very lucky to find this house with such a great kitchen.

noble pig - "famine phobic" is my new favorite phrase!

Nan - I love Cholula! I found this one day, I think at my Kroger. You rub it on chicken or fish and let it sit a few minutes before cooking. Delicious! Type in Cholula Chili Lime Seasoning on Google and you'll find some places that say they sell it.

Natashya - I love the idea - "his" and "hers" spice racks. LOL If my husband cooked, we'd have to have the same arrangement.

Sorry! I just realize I read the names above the comment instead of below - what a creature of habit I am!

So, the above posts should be directed to:

MyKitchenInHalfCups - "kitchen shots"
Susy - "famine phobic"
Chris - "Cholula"
Sues - "his and her spice racks"

That will teach me to listen to an exciting football game on the radio while trying to work! Thanks again for all the comments.

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