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Other People's Pantries #37

From Kelly (Sass & Veracity), in San Diego, California:

My pantry is made up of two long cupboards on either side of my fridge with drawers that slide out. I recently reorganized this space because I couldn't find the ingredients I knew I had on hand when I wanted to cook.

Kelly4 copy

The biggest problem area was for items that didn't come in containers that could be stacked. I'm all over the place when I cook, so I had a lot of odds and ends that I depend upon. So it's fairly frustrating when I can't find them. These boxes (on the right) from IKEA have helped somewhat, but I'm still searching since I have to stack and unstack whenever I want a particular ingredient.


This drawer used to be a tumble of items, but I've condensed it all to be in one place. It's all at waist level now, so I can easily find the chili oil, or flavored vinegar I want.


This is my overflow drawer for baking ingredients. I used to stuff two drawers of flour and sugar into a small cupboard over the microwave, and had quite a few flour avalanches to clean up. This is so much better now. The small labeled bags for small quantities are perfect. It sort of reminds me of a filing system -- obsessive but functional.

On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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I think I share your 'all over the place' collection, so it's inspiring to see how you've tamed such diversity! The pull outs are wonderful!

Thanks Susan -- It feels like I have quite a bit of space, but I've learned the more there is, the more I need. The pull outs are only as good as your being able to pull them out!

Ahhh, nice to see where Kellypea pulls out her ingredients for her delights...well organized.

Very nice!


Kellypea, I love that the shelves pull out. How handy! I have been known to take a flashlight to the deep corners - pull out shelves would be a great help.
Everything looks so tidy and organized, how wonderful.

Oh how true: the more there is, the more I need or at least the more I'd like more!

I love seeing other peoples pantries (so to speak). I'll get round to posting mine some day, I'm sure.

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