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Other People's Pantries #18

From Annie (Undercover Cook), in Brooklyn, New York:

I somehow manage to cook and bake up a storm in my studio kitchenette. My entire apartment is just 230 square feet; my kitchenette is actually something like 2'x6'. Mini fridge, mini oven, and almost zero storage space.

I bought a vintage pantry cabinet thing (in the photo) for extra work surface and storage. And yes, that's the microwave being utilized as a tea/coffee cabinet. Enjoy!




On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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Oh our goodness! Only 230 sq feet? That's amazingly small but so inspiring to know that you're still cooking and baking up a storm.
I would love to see Todd and I live and cook in a 230 sq. foot space. It would be interesting to see if we could last! I dunno....that's awful small. One of us would have to cook while the other stood to the side and waited their turn!
Thanks for sharing your awesome space!

I really love this series - it's fascinating to see all the different ways people stock their pantry. Must be the snoop in me!

Your jars are so neat and artistic looking! And unused microwave space put to use! This pantry seems to prove that necessity is the mother of invention (I'm so original).

I'd say hats off but perhaps there's not room?! What I love most about your kitchen, Annie, is that there's not one sense of 'oh poor me! I can't cook because I have no space but as soon as I get my dream kitchen, then I'll cook'. Well done!

I can't even wrap my head around living in such a small space! I'm impressed that she does so much cooking, that takes some dedication.

Good for you...making lemonade out of lemons! I thought that my kitchen was small! I also have the mini fridge (makes me keep it really clean..which would normally be a chore for me), and, the only 'counter' space that I have, is my little kitchen table, that also ends up being storage for something else, or, the place for me to cut out patterns. My kitchen sink, is actually in my bathtub. I use 2 totes (one to wash in, the other with clear water, to put the clean dishes in, before I rinse under the tap).
Like they say..."where there's a will...there's a way"!

I'm definitely impressed you're happily cooking in such a small space. (I think this proves how much of my assorted kitchen stuffs I don't really need.)

I thought I had a small kitchen, but yours is definitely smaller. It's great that you don't let the size discourage you from baking, etc. Three cheers to you!!!

Very cool! I like how you've used the microwave. ;-)


Love, love, love the look of this pantry!

Splendid solutions -- to the virtues of adversity! In situations like this I think of those IQ tests that always had a "spacial relations" section. Looks like you pass and more. Only tweak: I want to put the scissors into the hole of the ball of twine...

Wow, thanks everyone for the encouraging feedback. A lot of you sure do have a way with words. It's been quite a gastronomic challenge with the space I have, or rather don't have, but working in a NYC restaurant really teaches you to be clean and organized in a tight space. Aside from the fact that when I open any cabinet door, something invariably falls out (a tea box, a bar of chocolate, tupperware, etc), kitchenette life is good.

Lori G, it's true that having a mini-fridge forces you to keep it clean and well-organized. I've taken to writing a list of what's inside so I remember to use the space to its full potential.

Kalyn, I have a lot of kitchenware hanging out in the open, so I'm forced to buy only pretty things that will look nice on display. Basically, a small kitchen is a good excuse to buy nice kitchenware. Ha.

Thanks for peeking, and I wish you happy days in your kitchen!

I've always had reasonably small kitchens, but not tiny, so it's nice to see a tiny one that works! I think the secret is reducing clutter...

this is my type of pantry - we both know how creative you've gotta be when you live in brooklyn!

Wow! Love the jars.
Just proves once again big kitchens maybe nice but you really can do incredible things in small and tiny!

Well your cooking space may be small, but you show how to use space well - and still have a stocked pantry! Thanks for sharing :)

I just love those jars, I too use them a lot and they're so versatile and good looking.

Thanks for showing us your pantry :)

I'm just slightly shocked at the use of storage for the microwave...do you use the microwave?

I guess you could probably buy a tray that fits in the microwave, then you can put all your stuff into the tray, in the microwave, then just lift out the tray and use the microwave as well.

Good job on utilising space :D

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