Other People's Pantries #12
From Chris (Mele Cotte), in Atlanta, Georgia:
Here is my pantry. Scary!! This was a hard event because it exposes the inner sanctum! :)
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And this inner sanctum (soul) has a lot of chocolate! Looks well stocked!!
Wow! So up close and personal! Hee hee! Thanks for a fun event Lydia.
Fun seeing Chris' pantry, which is nicely organized just like I would expect!
How nice to see a pantry that resembles my own after all of the recent GORGEOUS walk-in styles. Maybe I'll send you a photo one of these days. :-)
Whoa - you've got a container of baking soda that looks bigger than my flour bin!
Not scary at all. Well-stocked. Cool!
I don't know why I enjoy peeking into other people's pantries, but I do. While every pantry is unique, there's always a uniting item in each that reminds me we're not so different after all. Thanks Chris, for sharing yours!
I agree with Paz, not scary. Now mine, the rickety shelf of teetering bottles and boxes...well that is scary...lol, I haven't quite come to terms with sharing it just yet. ;-)
How nice to see Pantry # 12 well stocked and things neatly labelled. Great job
I can see the shelves are starting bow under the weight :). I recently cleaned out all my cupboards because I didn't like how everything was working together. We ended up using cardboard and styrofoam from something we had purchased to make our own risers. It works great!
wow, what a well stocked and nice pantry with the neat labels :)
Your pantry looks good, well organised and full of good things!
Chris, I used to visit your site, but for some reason my computer keeps locking when I try to visit now, so I haven't left a comment in a long time, but I hope all is well with you!
Random thought: has even one pantry yet appeared without peanut butter? (It wouldn't have shown up in my photos because I keep it in the frige, but of course I always have it too.)