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Other People's Pantries #5

From Ximena (Lobstersquad), in Madrid, Spain:

Here are four photos. Two are rather blurry. My kitchen faces south, but has a big wall right in front of it, so I can only get good light around noon.

Still, I think you can see the bookshelf with all (some) of the condiments, bowls, liquor bottles and cookbooks (alas, also some). I almost tidied the cupboard, but in the end decided to go with the whole truth. You can spot dried mushrooms, rice, tomatoes, black beans, cocoa, chocolate and maybe a bit of curry paste at the back. There's also a whole load of other stuff, all piled up somehow. The pic of the whole dresser isn't very good, and technically it's more of a sideboard place, but there's stuff there too. And the spice rack has just the essentials, what I use almost every day.

Thanks so much, I've always wanted to show my kitchen, which I happen to think is too charming for words, but can't, because of the no-photos rule on my blog, so it's a great opportunity.





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I really enjoyed looking at the photos of this pantry and seeing the brand names used in a kitchen in Spain!

Much to my surprise, I just love this pantry series!

My mother was a scrapbooking nut and she turned me onto it, too. We had very different cropping styles: I'd crop down to the quick, highlighting only the essence of a shot. She left in lots of 'extras'. I asked why: "I want to remember those curtains I made trimmed with that fabric Nana brought back from Hawaii. I think it's my only picture of those curtains."

And so ... similarly, I find myself peaking into the corners of these photographs from across the world, looking for 'special curtains'.

I'd love to know what foods you cook in this kitchen, Ximena! Seeing people's pantries makes me want to know more and more about the rest of their things: what pots, pans, crockery... I like the view with the hanging utensils.

Now I have glimpse into Ximena's kitchen. Wonderful! Look at all those spices. I could just imagine all the delicious dishes you whip up!

I'm amused. The first thing I noticed in the picture of the shelves, right there in a kitchen in Madrid, was the tin of Old Bay, a spice mix from Baltimore. It's a small world.

It looks like a very charming kitchen, and also most obviously the kitchen of someone who really cooks.

My favorite photo is of the one with the books surrounding the spices. I love that everything is together. Thanks for sharing your pantry with us.


Aw man, I'd play but am embarrassed.

Now, if I could show you a picture of my record collection? Now that's impressive! But not very spicy ...

Hi Ximena and Lydia!

This was fun to see/read! Ximena, you have a lovely kitchen - I love it! I love the shelf with books and spices intermingled! It has a lot of personality.

I may even send pics of mine in....

@veron: That's the first thing I noticed, too!

Sorry, it was actually Julie who was talking about the Old Bay. I was looking above instead of below the post to see the name of the poster.

Hi everyone, thanks for your sweet comments. Lydia has given me permission to answer, so here goes.
Kathy: that´s what I love about the Pantry series, too all the packaging from all over.
Alanna: no curtains here, sorry, but plenty of scraps, I hope.
Mae: well, there´s a bit of everything, you can check it out at Lobstersquad, although you won´t see much of the crockery or anything, as I dont´take pictures.
Veron: the truth is out, now you know how untidy it is. O well.
Julie: it´s impossible to find in Spain. But I asked a kind friend to bring me some from New York. It´s such a beautiful tin!
Paz: sometimes the books slide and there´s an avalanche of spices, but somehow we´ve always averted complete disaster. Except when the bottle of Angostura broke.
Dr. Biggles: Records would be cool too, but I bet your kitchen is interesting. We´re big snoops.
Maninas: yes please, send in pictures, this is such fun!
Christy: I´m very proud of my Old Bay tin, and even when it empties I´ll keep it, filled with pimentón or something. Too goodlooking to miss.

Oh I love this feature of seeing into pantries, I noticed the cookbooks too, and the goya brand - which I've read about, but can't buy here! Thanks for sharing.

I don't have a pantry but I do have a glass-fronted cabinet and a cabinet door I'd be willing to open some time.
Would that qualify?

Maninas, welcome to The Perfect Pantry. We'd love to see your pantry!

Candelaria, absolutely yes! Do let us peek.

Huh. The first thing I noticed was that your drawers have the exact same handles as mine do. And I'm in Duluth, Minnesota, USA.

Small world, indeed.

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