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Other People's Pantries #8

From Tanna (My Kitchen in Half Cups), in Dallas, Texas:

I love being able to go in my pantry and close the door. It's quiet. It keeps noise in or out. I grind my coffee in there and keep the coffee pot in there at the moment. When we first moved into this house, the pantry was spacious. Of late I'm noticing things getting crowded. Time for a general clean out. Wonder what I'll find I've hidden away that's made its way into the deep corners. (For more photos and notes about my pantry, see this post.)





On Saturdays, we peek into Other People's Pantries.

Come on -- show us your pantry.

Here's how.

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Pantries arranged so that the dishes are decorative really impress me. Yours is really beautiful -- I can see why you use it as a retreat!

Okay Tanna, so please tell us that all the crowded jammed up, where is that wild rice? bits are on the opposite walls? Love the green glass, I have a piece or two.

Mae: It's just a quiet spot sometimes. Also keeps the coffee grinding nose from waking the rest of the house early in the morning.

Alanna: Everybody has their own crowded jammed up to look at, that's what mine looks like too! A piece or two of green glass, why do I feel that's an understatement?

What a wonderful looking pantry!

I spent ages one day admiring your kitchen on your site Tanna, and these pictures are great too, Spotted your little Evesham pots first!

Paz I do enjoy that it looks pretty in places but the best part is that it works well for me.

Kelly-Jane those little pots I've had for over thirty years. They don't have a handle on them and the lid screws on. I believe they are to poach eggs in, at least that's what the box they came in said.

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